Monday, August 17, 2015

Week 10

Things are looking a tad bit better this week.  I haven't had anymore bleeding and the spotting happens less often and is all brown.  We shared with the world I was pregnant this past week because I was going to a friend's wedding and no dresses would fit over the bump.  Oh yeah, pretty sure I have officially "popped."  People are coming up and asking me if I am pregnant....thank god I actually am or that would be embarrassing for both of us.  I'm pretty tired all of the time but I remember being more tired during pregnancy #1.  I think having another little munchkin running around doesn't really allow me to slow down.  I am also peeing every 5 seconds so that doesn't help the sleep/tiredness issue.  Pretty sure I went to the bathroom like 20 times last night and Daddy R is complaining about our toilet paper costs skyrocketing.....  2 more weeks until the ultrasound.  Part of the reason I am so anxious for this is because with the "fluid mass" in my uterus they wanted to make sure the placenta was able to attach correctly.  I really am hoping for the best!

10 Week Popped Out Baby Belly

Our Baby announcement (we actually took this right before I got pregnant when coming back from Washington D.C.).  Little did we know I would get pregnant a few days later! 

Our littlest lady loves to sing, talk, give kisses to the baby in my belly on the regular, especially during early morning cuddle time! She is soooo excited!

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