Tuesday, August 11, 2015

And we are back....with #2!

Because we really can't make a baby diary for #1 and leave #2 high and dry!  So welcome to our second pregnancy.  We decided that it was finally time to give Baby B #1 a sibling, as she has been requesting one for well over a year.  We took a family trip to Washington D.C. in May.  The plan was that we would live it up there and then start trying for our newest family member when we returned home.  Well, pretty much exactly like with pregnancy #1 a few days following the end of my period I began to experience pregnancy symptoms (on day 4 to be exact).  I know, I know, this is impossible.  But sometimes life just does not make sense.  The thing that was really weird was that my pregnancy symptoms were very different.  I was much more nauseous than last time and my stomach hurt so badly--like it was bruised internally.  I didn't want anything to touch it including the waist of my pants.  I was bloated, consipated, and the weirdest symptom of all was the extra saliva that was in my mouth...so much spit.  Gagging me.  I even had to put a washcloth in my mouth to absorb some of the spit at night.  As far as cravings...no grapefruit like last time.  Nope.  All I wanted was dairy products--cheese, ice cream, greek yogurt, and ice cold milk.  I even added ice cubes to my milk!  Strange? Yep.  But so amazing. 

We decided to take the pregnancy test a few days before my missed period on Father's Day.  What a great day to learn another addition will be coming, right?!  Wrong.  Took one of those early predictor tests and got the big fat negative.  I was crushed.  Completely.  I had even told some of my close friends that I was pregnant because I was so sure.  Everyone said it was probably just psychosomatic but I could not believe this because my symptoms were so different.  I mean, wouldn't I mentally conjure up the same symtoms?  Or is my unconscious that smart?  I also began to worry that getting pregnant the second time around would not be so easy.  What if our #1 was our one and only?  I even got hysterical one night...if only I would have been able to attribute these to pregnancy hormones at the time....

Well, a few days later I never got my period but I was having cramps.  My stomach also started to become hard and all my symptoms were continuing.  I finally decided to take another test but was more mentally prepared for the worst this time.  Instead, we got the best surprise.  That teaches me to listen to some silly test over my own body!  We are not telling that many people because we want to make sure everything is going to go okay.  I am guessing this will be another high risk pregnancy due to my weird blood condition.  I have my first doctor appointment next week.  If you are reading this please keep it a secret until we officially annouce.  Thank you!

4 weeks--bloated or carrying triplets?  I look like I did at week 12 with pregnancy #1....
So excited!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Z, I can't not tell you HOW excited I am to see you pop back up on my blog feed! OMG! I love your writing and love being able to follow along with your pregnancy jounrney this way. XOXO
