Oh man oh man. Right when I write about no pregnancy symptoms is always when it hits you like a bulldozer. Totally jinxed myself there. The weird thing is that my pregnancy "morning sickness" does not include throwing up. Instead, my body seems confused and it's coming out the other end. It's horrible. My Mom had to come over and take our #1 to school because I could not leave the toilet for three hours straight. Food sounds incredibly gross. Every once in a while I get a craving for something and then I actually get my hands on it and start to gag. My midwife says as long as I do not become dehydrated or develop a fever then I am a-okay. The just sounds like a big fat lie.
THEN, to make matters worse, I started bleeding. My first thought was subchorionic hemmorage. How could I have another one of these?! Like seriously, what are the chances? I started thinking my #1 just barely made it to this world herself and who knows if my body will be able to have another one? After two days of bleeding I finally insisted on getting an ultrasound. The midwives were the same old story as last time, "miscarriages are perfectly natural, there is nothing we can do, it's just a waiting game." But when you tell this to a hormonal, very tired, and anxious pregnant lady it's just not going to fly. They told me to wait until 7 weeks to make the appointment because that is when baby's heartbeat will start strongly beating if things are okay. NOPE. I was able to convince the scheduler in maternal fetal medicine to get me in that same day.
No subchorionic hemmorage like I feared. A perfectly healthy baby with a heartbeat of 111 (which is very good for 6 weeks!). The bittersweet news is that I was pregnant with twins and one of them did not make it. The doctor could see an empty yolk sak and the bleeding is likely from the discontinuation of that pregnancy. What doesn't come out of me will be absorbed by the living twin (sounds freaky right?). Surprisingly, Ryan was a lot more sad hearing this news that I was because I was just so thankful to have potentially one healthy baby and also chances of a semi-normal pregnancy. One life will be a blessing. Twins would have been an amazing journey but it will not be our journey after all.
6 week old tiny floating baby, only the size of a pomegranate seed |
6 weeks pregnant |
Being pregnant with twins also explains how sick I have been. My hormones must really be out of wack to have thought there were two and now be miscarrying one. For several days in a row I have not made it out of bed except to go to work. And at work I pray that it will be as slow as possible so I can just sit there and watch the clock. This week was probably one of the hardest weeks in all of my pregnant life because last time around with bleeding I wasn't so sick on top of it all. Here is to hoping things improve!