Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Week 10

This was an exciting week because we had another ultrasound and got fantastic news.  There is no sign of the hemorrhage hurting the baby.  This does not mean it is not there (so I could potentially have more scary bleeding) but it does means that it is not around the placenta which is the biggest cause of miscarriage.  We got the okay to announce our pregnancy publicly, and we took advantage.
As far as being 10 weeks pregnant.....I remain really tired.  And hungry.  I think I am also starting to show.  It's probably not noticeable to the average Joe but if you really knew my body then you would know it used to not look like this:

Our little bean looks a lot different now.  Less bean-like and more oger-like (sorry baby B--but your body really needs to catch up to the rest of your head!).  Here is to more cooking!

In a few days we have our first midwife appointment.  I cannot wait!

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