Sunday, March 25, 2012

First Prize for our Baby

We went to our sequential screening ultrasound today.  It was so FUN!  In just one week our little oger of a baby transformed into the most beautiful little thing.  Ryan and I couldn't take our eyes off the little babe and we were so lucky to get an ultrasound technician that seemed to share our excitement.  Several amazing things happened during this appointment.

1. Our baby won a prize.  It's first prize ever (one of many I am assuming). Yes, I would like to brag about my unborn child (oh no).  When the ultrasound tech was finished giving us a 45-minute tour of my belly the doctor came in and announced that our baby won the prize of the day for having the most textbook perfect measurements.  HOORAY!  Our baby looks extremely healthy (from what the ultrasound peeps can tell) and they seriously shared our excitement about how cute s/him really.  I don't think I am being a biased mother here because the doctor and the ultrasound tech could not seem to get enough of our baby.  They sent us home with like 30 pictures (including some 3D pics and a 22 second movie of our baby!---aaahhhhhhh baby's FIRST movie!)

2. I felt the baby move and I am not crazy.  I know you are not supposed to feel the baby move until you are like 20 weeks+ but I have been having these weird feelings in my lower abdomen and have secretly been thinking that it's baby (I have read about how it's usually gas or indigestion--but those things I have had all my life and these feelings have been different!).  Sure enough--when the ultrasound tech started the screening our little babe was asleep.  The tech tried knocking on my stomach to wake baby up but our baby is a sound sleeper like it's mommy!  The ultrasound tech went to go get the doctor after a while and while she was away I felt the baby move (or what I thought was the baby moving).  I told Ryan (somewhat jokingly) that our baby has woken up.  He looked at me in disbelief.  Sure enough when the doctor came back into the room and started up the ultrasound again baby was wide awake jumping all around and doing summersaults.  Absolutely amazing.

3. Our baby came from my right ovary.  I already knew this because I felt ovulation pains on that side but it was cool they were able to confirm it. Good job right ovary!

4. We finally have an idea of what our baby will look like.  I had a dream that our baby was born with only one arm.  I was so thankful to see that our baby will have two arms and two legs.  I think our baby is turning into a mini-daddy...lips, eyes, nose.  I love how Ryan looks so I could not be happier about this (even though I do hope our baby has my hair).  Also, I thought I saw a pretty distinct penis.  When I asked the ultrasound tech about this she said it could be a penis or a clitoris at this point.  Apparently, at 12 weeks the clitoris can be pretty long so it's not 100% accurate to assume gender.  By the next ultrasound we should know the sex.  And after getting ultrasounds at 9 weeks, 11 weeks, and 12 weeks I can't believe that I have to wait until around 20 weeks to see our little babe again.

5. They pushed back the baby's due date.  The ER (where we had our first ultrasound done gave us the due date of Oct. 4th).  They are now saying baby will more likely be born Oct. 9th which makes more sense given my last menstrual cycle.  They also said it doesn't really matter though because baby will come when baby wants to come (usually two weeks before or after the due date).

Here are the just a few of the many pictures we got:

Profile of Baby

Baby waving "Hi!"

Baby's legs and cute little toes

3-D pic--if you look close you can see the "penis" looking thing that may or may not be a penis.  You can also see Ryan's lips/eyes/nose.  I think I have studied this picture for hours.....

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