Wednesday, December 7, 2016

8 Months

Remi was a much happier girl this month because (do I dare say it?!?) she was not sick.  At all.  Hallelujah!  She also learned to move forward this month.  AND she graduated from weekly physical therapy (still doing monthly for progress checks).  Remi hasn't figured out crawling quite yet but she is extremely mobile and army crawls her way around the whole house.  Her determination to get from room to room is amazing.  And she can sit herself up whenever she wants.  She has also started pulling up so we had to lower her crib.  AND she is sleeping through the night on a regular basis.  Remi is still missing her other front top tooth (does she have one inside that gum?) so that is WELCOME to come out any day now.  She is getting both her top side teeth so she has the silliest smile ever, which actually matches her goofy personality perfectly.  She is babbling away with a lot of "BABABABA's."  She does loud screams (which we are discouraging) and continues to laugh easily, especially during peek-a-boo, at sneezes, and if you eat her up with kisses.  She eats all food except beets (and a lot of food) but I don't know where it goes...?  Her thighs are getting a little more chunky but no Buddha belly yet like her big sis had at this age.  She is very long and lean. Now that she is mobile we really need to baby proof the house.  AND how do you get a 4yo sister to stop leaving little items all over the floor?  Choking hazards will be a little more readily available this time around I fear.  Ahem, Adara.

Happy 8 Months Remmers! 

Wednesday, November 9, 2016


I posted about Adara's nursery a few years ago (outer space nursery) but I haven't really mentioned Remi's nursery.  This is likely to do with the fact we moved into a new house two weeks before Remi was born.  So it's still not done.  But I wanted to show off her little space.  Which is actually her little space plus her sister's space because Adara's room is being remodeled (some day) and Adara LOVES sharing a room with Remi.  I'm thinking even when Adara's room is done they will likely still share a room until Adara is older and wants more space.  You will see in the pictures we still need a rug (already picked out--just need some $$$ which is in short supply with two monthly daycare bills) and curtains (hopefully will be put up this weekend) but everything else has been pretty functional.  The theme of her room is boats because Remi means "oarsmen" or "rower."

Love the light coming in the windows and watching all the trees outside as I nurse.

Pictures are all boar/oar related

Loft bed for Adara and crib for Rems down below.  Adara made the butterfly hanging over Remi's crib for her as a present.  My girls are so sweet!

The mobile I made for Remi when I felt crafty on maternity leave. next project will be making a fairy/princess room for Adara......<3

7 Months

We had hoped this month would be a little more fun and a lot less sick.  But nope.  We got round 2, 3, 4, and 5, 6, 7.  We are SO done being sick.  And our littlest Remiroo got it the worst.  In between rounds of tylenol we have lots of smiles and cuddles.  Her daycare teacher, Ashley, reports Remi might be one of the fussiest but she is also one of the cuddliest.  Some babies are just dead weight when you hold them but Remi always finds a way to hold on to you back.  And she loves to hold on tight!  She laughs at her sister the most.  Physical therapy might be going a little better (like on a scale of 0-10 and getting a 0 in the past she is now at a 2, maybe.).  Her therapist was very concerned she was turning into a butt scooter (which is apparently the worst thing ever....) but now we are doing more tummy time again and she is scooting on her tummy too.  She pushes up but she has not figured out how to go forwards.  She is pretty good at going backwards though.  And her sensory stuff just seems like a non-issue.  The BEST thing she has started doing is waving.  She loves to wave hello and goodbye and I'm pretty sure she gets what they mean because she always seems to nail the timing.  AND second baby syndrome...we kind of skipped over the whole spoon feeding thing.  Remi is now eating solids.  Pretty much whatever we eat but haven't tried any nuts yet.  And her teeth--four on the bottom and one on top.  I am loving her goofy grin.  She still is sucking at the sleeping through the night thing but we haven't done sleep training yet because I feel like she needs to nurse to help her sniffles and what not.  Again, second baby might be a little more babied because she is my last and needs to stay a baby forever, right?  But she might not be a baby for long because she is already wearing 12 month clothing...ahhhhh.  We love her (big sis extra included!)!!!

7 Months!

Friday, October 14, 2016

A half-year!

This past month has been horrible.  Remi was literally sick for the entire month--her whole 5th month of life.  We don't have a lot to report other than eye infections, ear infections, antibiotics, diarrhea, diaper rashes, temperatures, snot (lots of snot) and throwing up.  It was horrible.  She got so weak and overly congested that she stopped nursing for a few days and I was pretty sure we would be moved inpatient.  Then she turned 6 months and life just got a little better.

Remi was supposed to start physical therapy this month for torticollis.  She went to one appointment and it was h-e-double hockey sticks.  She hated it and screamed the whole time.  We had to cancel her next appointments due to illness and I'm dreading going back.  She was also diagnosed with "sensory integration disorder" but I'm pretty sure she was just so upset about being in a stranger's arms that everything was just setting her off.  We will see.  She seems completely normal to everyone else who meets her and continues to eat all types of food including peaches, mangos, peas, pears, avocado, banana, and she just tried some blueberries.

No progress on sleeping through the night because she was just too sick to even try any interventions.  She didn't gain much weight from 4 to 6 months (only weighs 16 pounds--which seems small to me because Adara was like 100 by this point) but the doctor is not concerned because she gained 2 inches in length.  Here is to a healthy 6 month baby!

Happy half-birthday to our Remigirl!

Friday, September 9, 2016

5 Months

Overnight it happened.  She turned into a big girl.  With chucky thighs and little rolls.  Two bottom teeth pooped up.  She started sitting up.  She has even pushed up on her hands and knees a few times (mostly when mad).  And she started eating solid food.  Yep, all overnight....or that's how it felt to this mommy.

Remi has been so much fun lately.  My favorite thing she is doing is just laughing absolutely hysterically for no apparent reason.  It's like she sees humor in the mundane tasks of life and then it's contagious and everyone around her starts cracking up.  She can go to pissed off just as fast she can go to happy.  Her daddy and I often joke about those being Rem's only two moods: happy and pissed.  And she can change on a dime.

We let big sister pick out Remi's first food.  Initially, Adara wanted her first food to be chocolate.  We explained chocolate is not really a food....more like a treat.  Adara then settled on peaches.  And lucky us that peaches are in season.  So we went and bought beautiful, prefectly ripe, organic peaches and made our favorite babygirl some food.  AND she loved it!!! When Adara was little it took her a little bit to get the hang of eating.  But Remi has already figured it out after like the first 5 bites.  She snaps the spoon in her mouth, slurps/sucks up the contents of the spoon loudly like a vacumm cleaner, and pulls away like a turtle.  The whole process is hilarious.  But I think Remi's favorite part is sitting up in her highchair at the table like a big girl.  She beams and looks beyond proud to sit next to her sister who she still madly adores.

With the whole hitting four month thing we have had some sleep regression. Blah.  My perfect sleeper now wakes up a couple times throughout the night.  We are hoping to nip this in the butt soon but that cry is just so loud.  And sleeping has been a challenge all around because the other thing Remi is doing is sleeping on her tummy, head burried into the mattress.  This just freaks me out because SIDS is no joke.  I try and roll her over or turn her head the side and five seconds later she is back in the same position.  This has resulted in us moving Remi back out of the crib (yeah, I know) and into our room so I can have a peace of mind hearing her breath.  It's amazing.  We thought we had this sleep thing so figured out and then we get the curveball.  Remi hasn't started phsycial therapy yet for her torticollis but I'm wondering if that will help.  While Remi can roll from back to stomach easily, I have not seen her roll from stomach to back.  And when she is sleeping on her stomach I worry that she might get stuck there.  So yes, we made forward progress and now we are regressing.  But that's okay with me because I would rather miss some sleep and have a peace of mind about the situation than miss sleep and be up worrying with bad thoughts all night.  

Remi has grown out of most of her 3-6 month clothes and fits best in her 6-9 month of even 12 month clothes.  She loves making farting sounds (or rasberries as they are more kindly called) and this is frequently the sound I wake up to in the morning.  She takes long naps at home and does not sleep at school at all.  She still loves toys and finds music to be calming.  Her latest interest is in Rio puppy.  She frequently is tracking him around the house.  She went camping for her third time.  She goes with the flow.  And she had her first fever.  We love our RemGem (Adara calls her this) and can't wait to see what next month will bring!

Happy 5 Months!  (We were both about to go to sleep, hence the PJs, because our little one wasn't feeling too good)

Friday, August 5, 2016

4 Months

If I would have written this post when Remi was 3 months and 3 weeks I would have said this bottle thing may be a lost cause.  But then something amazing happened!  We have been trying to hold out as long as possible putting Remi into daycare because it's so flipping expensive to even have one kid in daycare, let alone two.  Like, completely unreal expensive.  But I have been struggling providing enough entertainment to our Remigirl while doing dishes, laundry, and trying to get enough sleep (working nights).  So, when our daycare called and basically said, it's got to be now or 6 months from now I immediately said NOW!  With very little preparation on either end Remi went off to school!  It was crazy.  I had a complete mix of emotions but as soon as I saw how happy our sweet girl was with all of her new little friends I knew I made the right decision.  She gets so excited to go to school--she flaps her arms, and does exaggerated breaths, and gets super big eyes!  It's awesome that a 3-month-old can communicate as well as she can!  AND she already learned something important in school--how to take a bottle!  The first few days she pretty much starved but by the second week she was completely like, I got this!  And again, she looked so mighty proud of herself.  Money well spent.

She had her 4-month check-up and weighs in at 14.1 pounds and 26 inches long.  I thought Adara was long and skinny but Remi has Adara beat on both accounts.  She probably would have weighed more if she had not gone on her hunger strike.  We also learned she will be starting physical therapy for torticollis.  I thought this had resolved itself because she has been turning her head in both directions but the doctor is still concerned she is holding one shoulder higher than the other.  

In other news Remi's hand-eye coordination is amazing.  She can pick up whatever she wants and it goes straight into her mouth.  She loves to play with toys--I don't remember Adara being this into toys.  If she doesn't have a toy she lets us know she wants something!  She is still very smily and loves to laugh.  She has also started to try and sit up.  She can only sit about 30 seconds before her tummy muscles give out and she topples, but she is getting a stronger core everyday.  She is also wearing 6-month clothes.  I feel like she skipped a step....what happened to 3 month clothing?!  She continues to sleep through the night but has started being a little fussy going down and getting up around 6am instead of 7am.  She loves her sister more than anything.  Her whole face lights up when she gets any attention from her and she starts cooing.  All of it melts my heart.  Happy 4 months Remigirl!

4-month babygirl <3

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

3 Months!

Happy 3 months old to our sweetest Remi girl!  You are so much more alert these days.  You have started reaching for things with purpose and when you get your fingers around something it goes straight for your mouth!  Your smiles continue and you have added on some laughs.  You only wear 3-6 month clothes now.  Tummy time is a breeze for you and you continue to roll over on occasion.  You also went on your first camping trip!  How many 2-month-olds can say that!?!?  We are very proud you survived it (literally, because I was slightly worried you might freeze to death.....).  I have a feeling there will be a lot more camping in your future because you just happened to be a natural.

Our biggest struggle has been the bottle battles.  Man, you hate it.  Just the sight of a bottle can lead to full out screaming rages where you tense up every muscle in your body.  We have started very slow by just trying to have you make some positive associates with the bottle by playing with it.  A few times you will tolerate letting us put the nipple in your mouth but you absolutely refuse to suck on it. Chew on it?  Yes.  But no sucking allowed.  Which is completely ridiculous because you suck on EVERYTHING else, including your own forearm.  You gave yourself a hickey on your arm the other day!  What the heck, child?!?  The thing that you don't know yet is that you have two very stubborn parents.  We do plan to win this battle because I cannot be around to nurse you 24/ fact, next month I have an all day conference that I absolutely cannot bring you to.  I hope things are going more smoothly with our bottle friend by then.

Other than the bottle, you remain the best spirited little lady.  You are just the sweetest.  And thank you for sleeping through the night every night.  Also, thank you for liking to sleep in until almost 9am.  Now, if we can just get your big sister to understand how great sleeping in is.....

3 Month Babe w/ 3 Year Old Sister

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Two Months

What lucky parents we are to have a two month old just like you!  I went back to work this month (when you were 6 weeks old) and you must have known because you have been so very kind to us in the sleep department.  You have always been the sleepiest of babies but we especially needed it this month!  You have adjusted unremarkably well.  You won't take a bottle from anyone but me (so smart to know that Mama feeds you!) but it doesn't seem to matter because you just don't eat while I'm at work.  I fear it's too long for you to go without food so Daddy R has been coming half-way through my shift for a feeding.  Because you won't take bottles I have over 200ozs of breastmilk in the freezer--what a change from last time around when I was constantly stressed about my milk supply!

In other news you have also turned into the smiliest baby!  All I have to do is look at you and you bust out the biggest gummy smile.  It makes my heart melt.  The best/worst is when you are nursing and I look down at you and you bust out a smile so all the milk in your mouth pours out all over your face.  It's like you can't even contain your happiness!  I love you SSOOOO much.  It's so easy to be your Mom and I can't believe how you just seem to fit so perfectly into our family.

The doctor says you are growing straight up on the growth curve (no curve for you!)!  12 pounds and 24 inches long!  Starting to wear less of your 0-3 months clothes and more of your 3-6 month stuff.  AND your eyes are still blue.....before you were born your Aunt Lily and I had a strong feeling you would have blue eyes and dark's very weird we were right.  And now we are just wondering if the eyes and hair will change.  I loved your sister's big brown eyes but your deep blue/grey eyes (I swear they turn purple in some lights) are just as magnificent!  You are lighter in complexion than your sister and you are starting to get the baby mullet!  And your personality is defintely goodball to the max!  Everyone says you look older than your age (just like they said about your sister).  We love you Remi Violet!

Just ignore the spit up on my sweatshirt....Happy two months!

Thursday, April 14, 2016

One Month!

We did it!  Survived the first month with a newborn and a 3.5yo going on 16yo. We even did this despite a horrible paternity leave (Big sister was very sick the first week or two and then Daddy R got sick the following week--talk about some stress!).  I think overall, scond time around is SOOO much easier because you just have some of those weird "I never thought of that" things figured out.  Like, what do you sleep in?  Never thought this would be an issue but when you have engorged leaky breasts this is a HUGE conundrum.  I think the biggest factor playing into an easier second time though has to be fewer breastfeeding challenges!  No crying every time baby girl latches on, no bloody/cracked nipples with chunks missing, and Remi has gained back all of her weight and then some (well over 9 pounds!)! Hoorah!

Remi had a lip and tongue tie like her sister but this time I was not going to mess around.  While we were still in the hospital I had it correctly diagnosed (because I knew what to look for) and made an appointment to have it revised via laser.  She had the surgery when she was 2.5 weeks old.  All that being said, Remi was always a better and less painful nurser than her sister.  Dr. G (the ENT) reported that her lip tie was not very severe but her tongue tie was preventing her from using her tongue while nursing.  So the biggest problem was that she could not drain my breasts of milk properly and if I had not gotten things taken care of my supply would likely have started to diminish like last time.  This time around because things are so good I am consciously not allowing myself to stress out.  I only pump one time per day (compared to 5+ times per day last time around) and I am getting a good amount of milk in preparation for returning to work.

So who is this Remi Violet?!?!  Well, she is a big time sleeper!  She would sleep straight through the night and day if I did not wake her to eat (Because I fear she will go into a hypoglycemic coma)!  aahhhhhh this child.  Most nights she only wakes one or two times so I am a well-rested mama.  She also has already smiled a few times for me and loves when I say "Hhiiiiiiiiii Remi" (it gets her every time....well almost every time).  Most of the time, however, she has a very serious/concerned face.  Remi was born with wrinkles!  I have never seen a baby born with "concerned wrinkles" before and I hope as she grows to love life these wrinkles will fade because she is just to young for that business.  She also is a big time pooper.  I mean, this girl never has a clean diaper (hello diaper rash).  There is always just a little poop.  She is a super pooper and it just shoots out of her.  It has nailed me on several occasions which is just as fun as it sounds!  And man, she farts all of the time too!  I hope her tummy issues get sorted out soon because the gas seems to be painful at times.  She is very strong and has already rolled over several times from tummy to back.  She can lift her head for extended periods of time.  And you also will not believe how long this baby is....she grew out of newborn clothes at two weeks because her torso/legs were too long for them.  She is already almost out of 0-3 months now for the same reason.  No chubby rolls yet.  Slow down child--I want to savor your small tiny body.  Remi's favorite things in the world are baths.  She looks like a straight up narcoleptic because the moment she goes in she falls asleep.  And I'm talking falls asleep with a smile.  It's the cutest.  Lastly, she is the best cuddle bug and loves to be held.  She is also okay with not being held and we sometimes forget about her because she is just sleeping away..."Wait, what room did we leave her in again?"  (I now totally relate to all the parents who forget their child in the hot car --except I haven't done that thank goodness!!!).  Big sister LOVES being Remi's big sister.  We have to constantly remind her to be gentle because she wants to squeeze and pull non-stop in attempt to give her little sis as much physical attention as she can handle!

I must admit I had one "new mom" freak-out.  Remi's breathing is kind of she frequently gasps for breath, breaths loud, SNORES loud!, and sucks in a little upside down triangle under her neck....  I made the mistake of researching this during a 2am nursing sesh and then freaking out and calling the advice nurse.  I was told my baby was in respiratory distress and to call 911 for an ambulance!  I did not do that but I certainly took her into the ER while Daddy R said, "I'm going back to bed."  The MD was like, "why are you here?"  In my defense she also had a stomach bug and had diarrhea and vomited once.  She refused to nurse for like 6 hours as well....but still.  "A very expensive freak-out" according to Daddy R.  Whoops.

Here are some pics from baby Rem's first month:

First smile? (aka gas). 

They are sisters! (A on left, R on right)

And sisters are the best!

Sweetest Remi.

Because we have a similar picture with her big sister and Daddy.

Remi Violet is one month old!!!

Friday, April 8, 2016

Birth Notes

Our wonderful doula has her own recollection of the birth.  And many of her notes she took in real time.  Very cool to see things from another perspective.  Here is the unedited account of what she sent us:

On Monday March 7th I received a text from Ryan at 11:01 AM stating:  "...Zoe's water broke this morning and we are checked into labor and delivery.  They are about to start the IV antibiotics. Contractions are sporadic."  At 12:17 you texted:  "..Zoe's contractions have picked up.  Do you mind starting the process of coming over?"  I arrived at 1:17 PM.  Zoe took a shower and we did a guided relaxation (baby come scripts).  You and Ryan rested a short bit after this.  

At 2:15 we went out to the deck to get some fresh air and at 2:30 we walked stairs.  We returned to the room at 2:50 and you sat on the birth ball doing circles while they monitored baby (you were off at 3:20).  The midwife chatted with you about using a breastpump so they began more monitoring at 3:35.  She also discussed possibly using pitocin.  At 3:40 you were put on the telemetry monitor and at 4:10 you started using the breastpump.  You stopped briefly at 4:40 and then started up again until 5.  Contractions began to get stronger and you were feeling more crampy.  

At 5:15 I went down to eat dinner and returned at 5:40.  You did some abdominal lifts and lots of walking.  At 6:05 you were checked (you were 4 centimeters, 80 percent effaced, and baby was minus 1).  At 6:10 you decided to go ahead with the pitocin.  At 6:25 there was a shift to stronger contractions and less talking between and you began moaning with each contractions.  At 6:30 they started to administer the pitocin.  Your dinner (pizza) also arrived at this moment!  I remember you saying, "ok, I'm ready to get things going, let's start the pitocin."  The nurse left to get it, you sat up and went from talking in a 'normal' state' to moaning and looking like you were in active labor. It was a big shift in about 10 seconds!  When the nurse came back into the room, you were in active labor.  She hesitated to even start the pitocin but did anyways since the decision had been made but I think her gut was telling her that it was not necessary anymore.  

Anyway, you did not eat any of the pizza but labored on instead.  You got very cold and shaky.  At 7:10 you were up and rocking with full back to back contractions.  At 7:25 they turned off the pitocin.  You were feeling lots of pressure.  At 7:29you sat at the end of the bed with a ball and you started to vocalize and stand with the contractions (I don't know how else to describe this but you began to make the beautiful sounds that only a woman in labor can produce).  At 7:45 you went to the restroom and got checked right after (you were now 5 centimeters).  You decided to go to the tub at this point after some walking and moving around the room. I informed your doctor that your previous labor progressed rather quickly once you felt like pushing so she had the team start setting up the birth tub even though they normally would wait.  

At 8:10 you got into the tub and were unable to stop pushing so you got out by 8:25.  Once back in the room you got checked again (you were now a 7).  There was lots of pressure and things got very intense.  You leaned over and told Ryan that you needed to bite something.  At 8:50 you used some nitrous and kept saying "I can't see you" when we would talk to you. You were complete at 9 and the midwife said "would you like to get into the tub?"  You said "No, I want to have my baby now."  You leaned forward and pushed her out at 9:03!  

I didn't get all the notes I normally get because things (once they got going) went so rapidly, it was difficult to keep my notes going and support you and a few things somehow didn't get into my notes (next time I will not keep my notes on my phone but on scratch paper because that would not have happened!).  I think I got a decent amount though!  You were amazing!   

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Remi Violet's Birth Story

If you don't want all the gory details...because there is no way around gore when it comes to a birth...then here is the general story:

1. Water kind of broke...maybe
2. No labor started, waited hours, tried everything, felt stressy
3. Was given Pitocin and had the rest of my water broken with a "crochet hook"
4. Violent, unbearable pain
5.  Baby came flying out and surprised everyone (except me)!

If you want to know the details of how it all played out....keep reading:

It all started with my mom's chicken pot pie.  Because this was the last meal I ate before giving birth to daughter #1.  And given that it was a day past my official due date of March 5th my Mom was desperate to try anything to get to meet her newest grand baby.  As for me, I love my Mom's chicken pot pie and meeting this baby would be nice.  We went over to my Mom's for dinner and the chicken pot pie was so delicious I kept eating and eating.  Seconds, thirds, and "one more helping."  Right before dessert I suddenly felt sick.  And started to get cramps.  And then contractions.  Then I went into the bathroom and out came bloody mucous plug.  My Mom was delighted.  No dessert for me.  I went home and went immediately to bed while loosely timing contractions.  Daddy stayed up and I'm pretty sure spent the night nesting on my behalf.  Worked on framing pictures for baby's room and making food.  I had weird dreams and contractions throughout the night.  I woke up around 4am and felt very wet.  In the bathroom I could see liquid went through my underwear and my PJ bottoms.  But when my water broke with #1 it was like the movies with a full on waterfall in my pants.  This was just confusing.  "I might have peed?" I concluded.  I put a pad on and went back to bed.  Around 6:30am I got up again.  The pad was a little wet but again, not like how things were when my water broke the first time.  I was still having some contractions but not regular.  Daddy asked if he should stay home "just in case" but I didn't want him to waste taking a day off work so he left.  I got daughter #1 out of bed and off to school all while having contractions.  When I got home things really picked up.  To the point where I was having trouble walking.  I decided I better call the midwives.

The midwives wanted me to come in to get checked.  I was unsure I could make the drive to the hospital but also did not want to bother anyone.  I sucked it up and did it.  But halfway there I thought, "This was a really bad idea."  I panicked and called Daddy R to the rescue.  But it was too late and he could not rescue me.  He met me at the doctors right after they concluded my water had indeed broken.  They were admitting me to have the baby!

I was checked in.  I ordered lunch.  I ate lunch.  I felt awesome.  Too awesome.  I waited for things to get bad.  I tried all the normal tricks.  I walked the five flights of stairs countless times.  I tried positive affirmations "I am a birth warrior."  I even thought..."I am so good at birth, this is not even hurting"....but I was just in delusional lala land.  Our doula tried pressure points.  I tried different positions.  Things would get bad but no regular contractions.  They even hooked me up to a hospital grade breast pump to see if nipple stimulation would work.  I truly did not understand.  I was so scared to get my first IV (I was group B strep positive this time around and required penicillin) but even that wasn't bad at all.  The stinging everyone talked about just felt like a cool refreshing sensation! Around 6pm (I delivered baby #1 around 6pm and couldn't help thinking "this is supposed to be over by now) my midwife started talking pitocin.  And I burst into tears.  I could just see the writing on the wall.  Hospital intervention #1 is pitocin followed by emergency cesarean.  I read all of the horror birth stories.  And it was about to happen to me.  My hopes of a natural childbirth were finished.  I was being so dramatic per usual.  Luckily my awesome birthing team talked some sense into me.  And my doula advocated to try the breaking of the waters to make sure they were all the way broken.

I had my first cervical check at this point and I was 4 centimeters dilated.  The midwife stuck a "crochet hook" up me to make sure the waters were broken and out poured a little bit more liquid.  But nothing major and she did not feel hopeful it would help.  BUT boy was she wrong!  Minutes after she left the room I started having violent contractions.  Not the type of contractions that happen every few minutes.  Nope.  It felt more like active labor moving into transition.  The Nurse looked very unsure if she should start the pitocin but made a comment like, "Well, the doctor already put the orders in."  The pitocin started and things just got worse.  Like all hell broke loose worse.  They started the pitocin on the lowest possible dosage of 1.  Minutes later the Nurse ran out of the room to find the doctor to see if they could stop it.  Things get blurry after this.

I remember the following: Wanting to birth in water because this was helpful with daughter #1.  Not being able to walk to the jacuzzi tub down the hall because I felt the overwhelming sensation to bear down and push out a baby.  Getting in the tub for about 5 seconds before screaming "the baby is coming out!"  The doctors and nurses yelling at me not to have the baby in the jacuzzi tub.  A mad dash to get me back to my room.  The midwife checking me to only find that I was dilated to a 7.  Attempting to bite Ryan and having a washcloth shoved in my mouth (they were prepared this time around).  Telling people I was too hot (they took blankets off me) and 1 second later complaining I was too cold (they put them all back on me).  Screaming and cursing (I never cursed with baby #1).  Begging people to help me.  Waiting for the RNs to hook up the nitrous to try and help the pain.  Took two puffs of nitrous and was again screamed at by an RN that I needed some education about how to use the nitrous because I was "poisoning everyone in the room" by blowing it out.  BUT this was no time for education because I again informed everyone the baby was coming out.  The RNs and midwife reminded me that I was not ready to have the baby yet because I was only dilated to a 7. I continued to insist that the baby was coming and the MD checked me again and confirmed I was right.  I heard, "I see the head!" followed by a mad dash from the midwife and RNs to get ready.  Because nobody was ready except me.  I pushed my sweet baby out without even having a contraction.   At this point, I didn't even care if I tore.  I wanted the pain to stop.  I wanted to meet my daughter.  And with all my might I pushed the hardest I could and out she came!  They threw her on my chest and I was in heaven (still in a lot of pain) but happy pain!  When the midwife asked if she could check me for tearing I exclaimed, "Yes, I tore wide open!"  but to my amazement she said, "Nope, no tears at all."  Unbelievable.  My perfect baby girl was born at 9:03pm. She nursed three hours following her birth which is unheard of apparently.  The RNs kept coming in to check if she was done so they could move me to the recovery room but nope.  My little girl was hungry!   I spent the rest of the night dozing in and out of sleep and loving on her.
Having her thrown on my chest directly following pushing her out. 

All done! :)

Introducing Remi Violet.
Born on 3/7/16 at 9:03pm.  7Ibs 15.5 Oz, 21 inches long.
Full head of dark black hair, dark blue eyes, small head, blonde eyelashes, and absolutely perfect! <3

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

39 Weeks

Welp.  I am more pregnant than I have ever been before.  Last time around I mentally prepared myself to go 42 weeks and I was shocked when my water broke at 39 weeks.  This time around I knew in the back of my mind that I could go to 42 weeks but I just sort of assumed baby would be like her sister and come a little early.  Nope.  Baby seems quite content.  Still having regular contractions but nothing else is really going on except for some pretty extreme tiredness.  Like, I could sleep 24/7 if it did not hurt my back so much...and if I wasn't getting hungry all of the time.  I even panicked the other day when I thought about how much energy it takes to have a baby and how I have zero energy in reserve thanks to my crazy work schedule.  I have been getting about 5-6 hours of sleep per night and this just doesn't seem adequate.  So now I am trying to think that baby might not come until 42 weeks and that will just have to be okay.  As long as baby is healthy I am fine with however long she wants to cook for....just excited to meet her!

39 Weeks and still pregnant!

38 Weeks

Last time around I'm pretty sure this was my last post because Baby Girl #1 came right on my 39th week 0 days.  We will see what happens this time!  I've been having some pretty regular contractions at night so I can tell my body is preparing!  They have been a minute long and 5 minutes a part but stop before that 1 hour mark.  Hospital bag is packed!  Now the waiting game begins....

38 Week Bump

Monday, February 22, 2016

37 Weeks

Our house and nursery are really coming together!  Hospital bag is not yet packed....I should probably do that....but carseat is installed.  Birth plan is sent to doula.  And things are feeling more and more real!  I have had pretty steady contractions for a few nights in a row and I keep thinking, this is it!  But they don't really increase with intensity and are about 15 minutes apart.  And then they stop.  I feel so big and swollen.  I am having weekly midwife appointments.  My platelets have been much better behaved this time around.  They are currently at 113!  Everyday baby girl #1 asks if this will be the day.  We are getting so excited over here!
Stole this big t-shirt from Daddy R because my maternity clothes are feeling a little snug--37 Weeks!

Need to put things away, hang curtains and pictures....but coming together considering we just moved a week ago!

This baby has SO many things already thanks to big sister!

Some of the art to hang on the walls....

Who is having the next baby girl?!?!  I have WAY too many clothes! 

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

36 Weeks

Things are going so fast now...and simultaneously so very slow.  We moved into our new house!  Baby B #2 has a nursery!  But getting everything organized is taking forever.  And when you can only move at a snails pace because you are as big as a whale.  And when you aren't supposed to be lifting any heavy things but you do anyway....  Oh vey.  I probably have overdone it but I am so desperate for this little one to come and for things to be just right.  I have done 700 loads of laundry, have organized clothes by sizes, and I am busy sorting out toys to decide if they are baby toys or sister's big girl toys.  And then working full-time on top of that and being a mommy to my first born.  I'm exhausted.  So baby being born kind of sort of sounds like a vacay.  Even though I know it won't be in my heart of hearts!  I'm ready!!! (and I'm not!).
36 Week Belly and officially as big as when I delivered by Baby #1.  Please come soon Baby #2!  (and don't mind the mess from unpacking!)

Thursday, February 4, 2016

35 Weeks

I experienced one of the most bizarre and horrible pregnancy symptoms this past week.  Every time I tried to sleep it felt like bugs were crawling under my skin on my pregnant belly.  I would scratch my tummy to try and make the feeling go away but it wouldn't even matter because my stomach just felt this weird numb feeling.  What the heck!?!?!  One night I'm pretty sure I got like 2 hours of sleep because the feeling was so disturbing.  I actually used the flashlight on my phone to make sure I didn't ACTUALLY have bugs.  At my midwife appointment I learned that this is common when you start swelling and water is trapped between your skin and everything else.  You get more pressure on your tummy when you lay down, hence the weird bug crawling feeling.  Luckily, I haven't felt it the last two nights but my oh my it was the worst.  I am so tired now.  I could sleep for a week to make up for everything.  And to top it off baby #1's asthma started acting up.  For the first time in a year.  I'm so sad because we were so close to taking her off her steroids.  BBOOOOOO.  and Stress.  :(  And swelling!  I never swelled up with baby #1.  But as of this week my rings don't fit my fingers anymore and when I take off my socks I look like I have sausage ankles.  UGH yuck.

In good news, we move this weekend!  WHOHOOOOOO!  And then I will officially begin the nesting like crazy process.  I will have a whole new home to take over.  I can't even wait!  I'm so ready for baby but completely not at all at the simultaneously.  And everyone has told me that I have dropped.  Even my midwife said baby's head is riding very low in the pelvis.  And baby #1 got to hear baby #2's heartbeat for the first time.  She was in awe.  Sister memories!

Surrounded by sea of moving boxes.  Might just be the last picture in our "summer home." 35 week belly!

Friday, January 29, 2016

Baby Shower

I was so unsure if I should have a baby shower given this is my second bundle of joy and the same sex as baby #1.  My Mom insisted on wanting to have one to celebrate and my MIL and SIL were gracious enough to help throw a beautiful and fun party.  I was very overwhelmed by everyone coming together to spoil baby girl #2.  And she really did get spoiled!

Here are the pictures that my SIL took:

Monday, January 25, 2016

34 Weeks

Sleep is getting really difficult.  I'm pretty sure I have been sleeping 15 minute to an hour increments before I feel so sore and numb that I have to do the "big move" which consists of me attempting to roll over (sometimes it take several tries).  And then, because how baby is currently situated, I usually want to roll back to my left side 5 minutes later.   Currently, baby is literally poking out of my right side--like in a way I didn't even know was possible because I'm pretty sure my uterus is not supposed to be all of the way over there.  And my dreams.  Weird, intense, dreams.  Last night I dreamed I was dying in an old folks home.  But I didn't like the bed I was dying in so I kept wondering the halls searching for my death bed.  And the nurses kept trying to find me to put me back in my original bed.  Horribly strange, don't you think?

I had my baby shower this past weekend.  I was overwhelmed with gratitude and love.  This little lady is one lucky girl!  I didn't get ANY pictures because I just wasn't thinking but I'm pretty sure my SIL snapped a few--so I will share those soon.  I'm also pretty sure that even if we do not get moved in on time to the new house things will be okay.  We got so much stuff that even if we don't unpack things from baby #1 I know it will be alright.  However, we are supposed to be moving in the next two, movers are booked and boxes have suddenly taken over the living room of our apartment.  I also have a vision for the nursery and I think my nesting instincts are kicking in just a tad wee little bit.  Let the craziness continue!

34 Weeks!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

33 Weeks

This was a whirlwind week.  So much going on--birthday parties, dance lessons, working extra shifts, car maintenance, house buying drama, all of the fun stuff life pours on your plate.  And to top if off I got sick.  Just a little cold.  But a little cold when your stomach is the size of a watermelon and you are running on 5 hours of sleep a night is rough times.  I'm pretty sure I lost my mucous plug.  But my midwife made it quite clear early on that she does not want to hear about anyone ever losing their mucus plug because it means absolutely nothing.  You can actually loose your mucus plug multiple times throughout pregnancy.  So this is just an interesting and disgusting fact.  With all of the craziness we are still managing to have the sweetest moments.  Like when my Baby #1 crawls into bed with me to snuggle and puts one hand on my baby bump and we just lay in quiet, feeling baby #2 moving around.  And I feel so much love for my two girls!

33 Weeks w/ guest appearance from big sister!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

32 Weeks

Exciting week!  I got my Xmas wish!!! My placenta moved....well it doesn't really move....just grows in the opposite direction away from my cervix.  So I am all cleared for a vaginal delivery.  To be cleared it needs to be at least 2 centimeters away from the cervix and mine was 3.5 away.  SUCH good news!  And to check on the placenta progress I had my last ultrasound.  Baby looks JUST like her sister these days.  It was pretty crazy to compare ultrasound pictures.  Daddy R couldn't tell them apart! And she looked so sweet all cozied up in my uterus.  She was sleeping the whole time but kept reaching for the umbilical cord and then would start sucking on it.....looks like she is getting ready for some nursing!  Her head remains down and she is super low in my pelvis.  In fact, they had to actually try to push her up a bit to be able to see the placenta properly.  And she just did not appreciate that at all!  I'm really hoping for a February baby.  Nothing against March.  But February just sounds so much more appealing to this whale of a Mama.  The other information we found out is that Baby girl is measuring pretty small--like 34th percentile.  I am pretty sure her sister was like in the 90th.  Kind of strange....but I have heard other cases where they have said babies would be small, or large, and they just popped out the opposite.  So we will just wait and see! Everything looked healthy!  And because I am not labeled a high-risk pregnancy this time around (for some unknown bizarre reason that always weirds me out) I don't have another midwife appointment until 36 weeks aka FULL TERM! Almost there....end is finally in sight so it seems!

Last week I talked about how I could barely walk due to back/pelvis pain.  Well, I went to my chiropractor and my SI joint has popped out of place on my left side.  This is the joint in the pelvis right next to the spine.  I now get to wear a really cool brace to hold everything in place (that was sarcastic).  BUT the brace actually feels amazing on and I think I am healing (with the help of daily yoga! YAY me!).  The doctor said at least my baby has a clear exit strategy now.  My pelvis has opened up so much that sometimes I actually feel like the baby is going to fall right out.  And when I walk my pelvis clicks.  I just hope the pain continues to improve!

32 Weeks

Baby Girl #2 (picture of on the left she is sucking on umbilical cord)

Monday, January 11, 2016

31 Weeks

Oh no!  I have developed the worst lower back pain this so low it's almost in my butt, mostly on my left side.  I see my chiropractor on Tuesday and I'm hoping she can work a miracle.  Everything I have read online suggests this is the back of my pelvis opening up.  This did not happen with baby #1.  It hurts to sit and walk and ESPECIALLY bend over and lift anything.  Maybe I have been lifting daughter #1 too much.  Or just overdoing it in general.  Everyone has been encouraging me to do prenatal yoga and with this back pain I finally decided it was time.  Now, in retrospect, I wish I would have done it sooner like last pregnancy because I felt so weak.  But better late than never and with buying a house and what not life has been so busy!  I don't know how I can be pregnant for 9 more weeks.  Really, I don't. 

31 Weeks, attempting to survive

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

30 Weeks

Hello 3/4ths of the way to second babyville! So very excited about this landmark because I am totally done with being pregnant.  Ready to feel like myself again!  This week continued to be somewhat difficult with various family members coming down with illnesses.  I have (knock on wood) managed to stay healthy but I am so exhausted taking care of people.  Also, this baby moves around so much I am kept up at all hours of the night.  I actually was pleading with her the other night around 4am to stop moving so I could get just a few more hours of sleep.  My husband bought me a pregnancy pillow to try and help things out but I don't know if anything will really work other than giving birth....and even then I will not plan on getting any good sleep for the next two years or so.......oh sleep.  Happy 2016!

Ps. to all my non-pregnant friends....doesn't everything I write make you want to get preggers?! :)

30 week tired/fake smiling baby bump!  2016!