Thursday, April 14, 2016

One Month!

We did it!  Survived the first month with a newborn and a 3.5yo going on 16yo. We even did this despite a horrible paternity leave (Big sister was very sick the first week or two and then Daddy R got sick the following week--talk about some stress!).  I think overall, scond time around is SOOO much easier because you just have some of those weird "I never thought of that" things figured out.  Like, what do you sleep in?  Never thought this would be an issue but when you have engorged leaky breasts this is a HUGE conundrum.  I think the biggest factor playing into an easier second time though has to be fewer breastfeeding challenges!  No crying every time baby girl latches on, no bloody/cracked nipples with chunks missing, and Remi has gained back all of her weight and then some (well over 9 pounds!)! Hoorah!

Remi had a lip and tongue tie like her sister but this time I was not going to mess around.  While we were still in the hospital I had it correctly diagnosed (because I knew what to look for) and made an appointment to have it revised via laser.  She had the surgery when she was 2.5 weeks old.  All that being said, Remi was always a better and less painful nurser than her sister.  Dr. G (the ENT) reported that her lip tie was not very severe but her tongue tie was preventing her from using her tongue while nursing.  So the biggest problem was that she could not drain my breasts of milk properly and if I had not gotten things taken care of my supply would likely have started to diminish like last time.  This time around because things are so good I am consciously not allowing myself to stress out.  I only pump one time per day (compared to 5+ times per day last time around) and I am getting a good amount of milk in preparation for returning to work.

So who is this Remi Violet?!?!  Well, she is a big time sleeper!  She would sleep straight through the night and day if I did not wake her to eat (Because I fear she will go into a hypoglycemic coma)!  aahhhhhh this child.  Most nights she only wakes one or two times so I am a well-rested mama.  She also has already smiled a few times for me and loves when I say "Hhiiiiiiiiii Remi" (it gets her every time....well almost every time).  Most of the time, however, she has a very serious/concerned face.  Remi was born with wrinkles!  I have never seen a baby born with "concerned wrinkles" before and I hope as she grows to love life these wrinkles will fade because she is just to young for that business.  She also is a big time pooper.  I mean, this girl never has a clean diaper (hello diaper rash).  There is always just a little poop.  She is a super pooper and it just shoots out of her.  It has nailed me on several occasions which is just as fun as it sounds!  And man, she farts all of the time too!  I hope her tummy issues get sorted out soon because the gas seems to be painful at times.  She is very strong and has already rolled over several times from tummy to back.  She can lift her head for extended periods of time.  And you also will not believe how long this baby is....she grew out of newborn clothes at two weeks because her torso/legs were too long for them.  She is already almost out of 0-3 months now for the same reason.  No chubby rolls yet.  Slow down child--I want to savor your small tiny body.  Remi's favorite things in the world are baths.  She looks like a straight up narcoleptic because the moment she goes in she falls asleep.  And I'm talking falls asleep with a smile.  It's the cutest.  Lastly, she is the best cuddle bug and loves to be held.  She is also okay with not being held and we sometimes forget about her because she is just sleeping away..."Wait, what room did we leave her in again?"  (I now totally relate to all the parents who forget their child in the hot car --except I haven't done that thank goodness!!!).  Big sister LOVES being Remi's big sister.  We have to constantly remind her to be gentle because she wants to squeeze and pull non-stop in attempt to give her little sis as much physical attention as she can handle!

I must admit I had one "new mom" freak-out.  Remi's breathing is kind of she frequently gasps for breath, breaths loud, SNORES loud!, and sucks in a little upside down triangle under her neck....  I made the mistake of researching this during a 2am nursing sesh and then freaking out and calling the advice nurse.  I was told my baby was in respiratory distress and to call 911 for an ambulance!  I did not do that but I certainly took her into the ER while Daddy R said, "I'm going back to bed."  The MD was like, "why are you here?"  In my defense she also had a stomach bug and had diarrhea and vomited once.  She refused to nurse for like 6 hours as well....but still.  "A very expensive freak-out" according to Daddy R.  Whoops.

Here are some pics from baby Rem's first month:

First smile? (aka gas). 

They are sisters! (A on left, R on right)

And sisters are the best!

Sweetest Remi.

Because we have a similar picture with her big sister and Daddy.

Remi Violet is one month old!!!


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