Monday, January 11, 2016

31 Weeks

Oh no!  I have developed the worst lower back pain this so low it's almost in my butt, mostly on my left side.  I see my chiropractor on Tuesday and I'm hoping she can work a miracle.  Everything I have read online suggests this is the back of my pelvis opening up.  This did not happen with baby #1.  It hurts to sit and walk and ESPECIALLY bend over and lift anything.  Maybe I have been lifting daughter #1 too much.  Or just overdoing it in general.  Everyone has been encouraging me to do prenatal yoga and with this back pain I finally decided it was time.  Now, in retrospect, I wish I would have done it sooner like last pregnancy because I felt so weak.  But better late than never and with buying a house and what not life has been so busy!  I don't know how I can be pregnant for 9 more weeks.  Really, I don't. 

31 Weeks, attempting to survive


  1. Come to prenatal yoga with me on Sunday!! It can definitely help.

  2. Oh my gosh. I'm sorry. I had this too. It is probably sciatica.
