Sleep is getting really difficult. I'm pretty sure I have been sleeping 15 minute to an hour increments before I feel so sore and numb that I have to do the "big move" which consists of me attempting to roll over (sometimes it take several tries). And then, because how baby is currently situated, I usually want to roll back to my left side 5 minutes later. Currently, baby is literally poking out of my right side--like in a way I didn't even know was possible because I'm pretty sure my uterus is not supposed to be all of the way over there. And my dreams. Weird, intense, dreams. Last night I dreamed I was dying in an old folks home. But I didn't like the bed I was dying in so I kept wondering the halls searching for my death bed. And the nurses kept trying to find me to put me back in my original bed. Horribly strange, don't you think?
I had my baby shower this past weekend. I was overwhelmed with gratitude and love. This little lady is one lucky girl! I didn't get ANY pictures because I just wasn't thinking but I'm pretty sure my SIL snapped a few--so I will share those soon. I'm also pretty sure that even if we do not get moved in on time to the new house things will be okay. We got so much stuff that even if we don't unpack things from baby #1 I know it will be alright. However, we are supposed to be moving in the next two, movers are booked and boxes have suddenly taken over the living room of our apartment. I also have a vision for the nursery and I think my nesting instincts are kicking in just a tad wee little bit. Let the craziness continue!
34 Weeks! |