Friday, January 29, 2016

Baby Shower

I was so unsure if I should have a baby shower given this is my second bundle of joy and the same sex as baby #1.  My Mom insisted on wanting to have one to celebrate and my MIL and SIL were gracious enough to help throw a beautiful and fun party.  I was very overwhelmed by everyone coming together to spoil baby girl #2.  And she really did get spoiled!

Here are the pictures that my SIL took:

Monday, January 25, 2016

34 Weeks

Sleep is getting really difficult.  I'm pretty sure I have been sleeping 15 minute to an hour increments before I feel so sore and numb that I have to do the "big move" which consists of me attempting to roll over (sometimes it take several tries).  And then, because how baby is currently situated, I usually want to roll back to my left side 5 minutes later.   Currently, baby is literally poking out of my right side--like in a way I didn't even know was possible because I'm pretty sure my uterus is not supposed to be all of the way over there.  And my dreams.  Weird, intense, dreams.  Last night I dreamed I was dying in an old folks home.  But I didn't like the bed I was dying in so I kept wondering the halls searching for my death bed.  And the nurses kept trying to find me to put me back in my original bed.  Horribly strange, don't you think?

I had my baby shower this past weekend.  I was overwhelmed with gratitude and love.  This little lady is one lucky girl!  I didn't get ANY pictures because I just wasn't thinking but I'm pretty sure my SIL snapped a few--so I will share those soon.  I'm also pretty sure that even if we do not get moved in on time to the new house things will be okay.  We got so much stuff that even if we don't unpack things from baby #1 I know it will be alright.  However, we are supposed to be moving in the next two, movers are booked and boxes have suddenly taken over the living room of our apartment.  I also have a vision for the nursery and I think my nesting instincts are kicking in just a tad wee little bit.  Let the craziness continue!

34 Weeks!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

33 Weeks

This was a whirlwind week.  So much going on--birthday parties, dance lessons, working extra shifts, car maintenance, house buying drama, all of the fun stuff life pours on your plate.  And to top if off I got sick.  Just a little cold.  But a little cold when your stomach is the size of a watermelon and you are running on 5 hours of sleep a night is rough times.  I'm pretty sure I lost my mucous plug.  But my midwife made it quite clear early on that she does not want to hear about anyone ever losing their mucus plug because it means absolutely nothing.  You can actually loose your mucus plug multiple times throughout pregnancy.  So this is just an interesting and disgusting fact.  With all of the craziness we are still managing to have the sweetest moments.  Like when my Baby #1 crawls into bed with me to snuggle and puts one hand on my baby bump and we just lay in quiet, feeling baby #2 moving around.  And I feel so much love for my two girls!

33 Weeks w/ guest appearance from big sister!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

32 Weeks

Exciting week!  I got my Xmas wish!!! My placenta moved....well it doesn't really move....just grows in the opposite direction away from my cervix.  So I am all cleared for a vaginal delivery.  To be cleared it needs to be at least 2 centimeters away from the cervix and mine was 3.5 away.  SUCH good news!  And to check on the placenta progress I had my last ultrasound.  Baby looks JUST like her sister these days.  It was pretty crazy to compare ultrasound pictures.  Daddy R couldn't tell them apart! And she looked so sweet all cozied up in my uterus.  She was sleeping the whole time but kept reaching for the umbilical cord and then would start sucking on it.....looks like she is getting ready for some nursing!  Her head remains down and she is super low in my pelvis.  In fact, they had to actually try to push her up a bit to be able to see the placenta properly.  And she just did not appreciate that at all!  I'm really hoping for a February baby.  Nothing against March.  But February just sounds so much more appealing to this whale of a Mama.  The other information we found out is that Baby girl is measuring pretty small--like 34th percentile.  I am pretty sure her sister was like in the 90th.  Kind of strange....but I have heard other cases where they have said babies would be small, or large, and they just popped out the opposite.  So we will just wait and see! Everything looked healthy!  And because I am not labeled a high-risk pregnancy this time around (for some unknown bizarre reason that always weirds me out) I don't have another midwife appointment until 36 weeks aka FULL TERM! Almost there....end is finally in sight so it seems!

Last week I talked about how I could barely walk due to back/pelvis pain.  Well, I went to my chiropractor and my SI joint has popped out of place on my left side.  This is the joint in the pelvis right next to the spine.  I now get to wear a really cool brace to hold everything in place (that was sarcastic).  BUT the brace actually feels amazing on and I think I am healing (with the help of daily yoga! YAY me!).  The doctor said at least my baby has a clear exit strategy now.  My pelvis has opened up so much that sometimes I actually feel like the baby is going to fall right out.  And when I walk my pelvis clicks.  I just hope the pain continues to improve!

32 Weeks

Baby Girl #2 (picture of on the left she is sucking on umbilical cord)

Monday, January 11, 2016

31 Weeks

Oh no!  I have developed the worst lower back pain this so low it's almost in my butt, mostly on my left side.  I see my chiropractor on Tuesday and I'm hoping she can work a miracle.  Everything I have read online suggests this is the back of my pelvis opening up.  This did not happen with baby #1.  It hurts to sit and walk and ESPECIALLY bend over and lift anything.  Maybe I have been lifting daughter #1 too much.  Or just overdoing it in general.  Everyone has been encouraging me to do prenatal yoga and with this back pain I finally decided it was time.  Now, in retrospect, I wish I would have done it sooner like last pregnancy because I felt so weak.  But better late than never and with buying a house and what not life has been so busy!  I don't know how I can be pregnant for 9 more weeks.  Really, I don't. 

31 Weeks, attempting to survive

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

30 Weeks

Hello 3/4ths of the way to second babyville! So very excited about this landmark because I am totally done with being pregnant.  Ready to feel like myself again!  This week continued to be somewhat difficult with various family members coming down with illnesses.  I have (knock on wood) managed to stay healthy but I am so exhausted taking care of people.  Also, this baby moves around so much I am kept up at all hours of the night.  I actually was pleading with her the other night around 4am to stop moving so I could get just a few more hours of sleep.  My husband bought me a pregnancy pillow to try and help things out but I don't know if anything will really work other than giving birth....and even then I will not plan on getting any good sleep for the next two years or so.......oh sleep.  Happy 2016!

Ps. to all my non-pregnant friends....doesn't everything I write make you want to get preggers?! :)

30 week tired/fake smiling baby bump!  2016!