Monday, December 7, 2015

Week 26

So this was the week of my gestational diabetes test.  I was so worried I would fail it because even though they say you can't give yourself diabetes by eating poorly, I just wasn't so sure.  Well, I did not fail it per se.  No, according to the test I passed with flying colors.  In fact, I passed it too well.  I am hypoglycemic.  I still don't get exactly what's up with my body (other than knowing it's weird) but  basically what happened was that my fasting blood sugar was 70 (on the low side).  An hour after drinking that yummy glucola, instead of my blood sugar going up, it went way down! Like to 55 (35 is coma, folks!).  And then the 2-hour it went up to 60.  The scariest part of all of this was that I did not feel crappy at all during this test.  I felt great!  Which means, when I do feel crappy (because I have almost fainted several times and I keep getting shaky if I don't eat) I wonder what my blood sugar is like then?!?!  In the 40s?!?!  Aahhhhhhhh!  If anyone can explain this to me that would be helpful because I only talked to my midwife over the phone and I didn't get a clear picture of what is going on.  And WebMD just tells me I am going to die...soooo......yeah.  Basically, this explains my constant needing to eat and gaining too much weight the last few weeks.  I now need to really focus on limiting my sugar and simple carbs (because that is causing my body to produce too much insulin and my blood sugar crashes) and focus on proteins and complex carbs.  AND xmas cookie baking is coming up.  I want to cry.  But I can't because I'm too hungry.  This is horrible.  At least they said the baby is doing a-okay!

26 Weeks...which means 14 more weeks +/- until I can feel like a normal person again (and eat a cookie and beef jerky because that is all I really want...and maybe a few cocktails and a glass of wine).....pregnancy does not agree with me!

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