Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Week 29

Oh what a rough week it is has been.  The holidays were not so kind to us this year.  First, daughter #1 got a little cold, and then I got it, and then Daddy R got it.  Then, the day before Xmas Daughter #1 started throwing up.  Every 5-10 minutes throwing up.  Poor sweet girl.  It got so bad that we had to take her to the ER at 4am due to dehydration concerns.  Then, a Christmas miracle and she was FINE on Christmas morning.  Not eating very much but happy as could be, no barfing, and enjoying the holiday.  The day after Christmas and the vomiting resumed.  It was crazy that it took a wee little break so our sweet girl could open her presents and play all day.  I was so scared that we would be throwing up next that I went to town with the bleach, changed all the toothbrushes, washed all of the linens.  Our house was spotless.  And I was extra exhausted.  I ended up sleeping one night from 8:30pm to 8:30am.  I don't think I have had that much sleep since my pre-mommy days!  It was amazing!

In other news I am feeling better.  I even ate some cookies and treats over the holiday and did not feel sick!  Perhaps my sugars are evening out.  I also think my weight gain might be slowing down because I haven't gained any more weight.  I had a midwife appointment and they said I am the "picture of health" this pregnancy.  This is crazy to me.  Absolutely insane.  Because healthy is the last thing that I feel.  Baby's head is still down though!  And I had a doula appointment.  Things are going well!  Moving right along! Now, all I want for Christmas is for that placenta to move out of the way....Christmas wish please come true because I think I deserve the "good list" this year!

29 Weeks 

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Week 28

Still growing and growing.  Which is what I am supposed to do, I know.  But eating all of this food constantly means that I am growing faster than I want.  I am 10 pounds away from how much I weighed when I gave birth to baby #1....but I have 12 weeks to go.  And if I gain a pound a week that would be fine but the last few weeks I have gained like 3 pounds a week.  I actually had a dream the other day that I tried to put my thighs together and my knees couldn't touch because of all my leg fat!!!  So now I am just hoping this baby comes a little early.  Like 37 weeks would be nice.  Last pregnancy I felt like I grew out of my maternity clothes and this pregnancy I am already feeling uncomfortable.  Especially because being preggo in winter requires so many more clothes!  I loved being pregnant in summer and just throwing on a maxi skirt and calling it good.  But now I need pants, and a top, and a sweater, and a coat, and then I add in the boots and I might really weigh 300 pounds!  Random change of topic: We had our home inspection and it did not go so well.  Lots of major repairs needed.  If the seller just gives us money off the purchase price we can still move in before this baby comes.  But if not, we might be screwed.  Screwed like we are not moving into the house ever or screwed like it might be after baby comes (which requires unpacking our boxes because I still need baby clothes!).  Ugh.

This is a an unintentional Christmasy picture!  Happy holidays with love from this 28 week bump! 

Week 27

We went out and bought a lot of high protein snacks.  I'm living off of cheese, yogurt, nuts, eggs, and beans....like for real.  The other day I thought to myself, I haven't had a piece of fruit or a vegetable in a while....  But, I think I am feeling slightly better.  I still need to eat every two hours (and that is seriously the maximum length I can go!).  No other real pregnancy news.  Just working a lot per usual! BUT in other life news....we got an accepted home offer! AAHHHHHHH!!!!   Maybe this little girl will have a nursery after all.....crossing all fingers and toes!

The 27 week bump is sneaking out of my sweater!

Monday, December 7, 2015

Week 26

So this was the week of my gestational diabetes test.  I was so worried I would fail it because even though they say you can't give yourself diabetes by eating poorly, I just wasn't so sure.  Well, I did not fail it per se.  No, according to the test I passed with flying colors.  In fact, I passed it too well.  I am hypoglycemic.  I still don't get exactly what's up with my body (other than knowing it's weird) but  basically what happened was that my fasting blood sugar was 70 (on the low side).  An hour after drinking that yummy glucola, instead of my blood sugar going up, it went way down! Like to 55 (35 is coma, folks!).  And then the 2-hour it went up to 60.  The scariest part of all of this was that I did not feel crappy at all during this test.  I felt great!  Which means, when I do feel crappy (because I have almost fainted several times and I keep getting shaky if I don't eat) I wonder what my blood sugar is like then?!?!  In the 40s?!?!  Aahhhhhhhh!  If anyone can explain this to me that would be helpful because I only talked to my midwife over the phone and I didn't get a clear picture of what is going on.  And WebMD just tells me I am going to die...soooo......yeah.  Basically, this explains my constant needing to eat and gaining too much weight the last few weeks.  I now need to really focus on limiting my sugar and simple carbs (because that is causing my body to produce too much insulin and my blood sugar crashes) and focus on proteins and complex carbs.  AND xmas cookie baking is coming up.  I want to cry.  But I can't because I'm too hungry.  This is horrible.  At least they said the baby is doing a-okay!

26 Weeks...which means 14 more weeks +/- until I can feel like a normal person again (and eat a cookie and beef jerky because that is all I really want...and maybe a few cocktails and a glass of wine).....pregnancy does not agree with me!

Friday, December 4, 2015

Week 25

AAHHH the holidays.  I was not pregnant during the holidays last time around.  And when you are presented with 4 different dessert options how do you say no?  I mean, it's already hard.  But when you are pregnant it's actually scientifically impossible.

So I knew my weight gain has been a little out of control lately.  What I didn't realize is that it's a lot out of control.  Like all of a sudden it went from healthy pregnancy weight gain to 25 pounds in 25 week type of weight gain.  Today, I had a midwife appointment and everything started to make sense....  It turns out my blood pressure is very low.  Like 110 over 55.  Also, I have hypoglycemia.  So I have been feeling very weak, shaky, and like I am going to faint constantly.  Eating carbs provides me with a quick burst of energy.  When I eat protein like I am supposed to I feel no better.  The midwife reports that even though carbs are making me feel better they are creating high highs followed by low lows.  So my blood sugar is all out of wack.  Protein takes longer for my body to break down but it will help prevent the big dips and the feeling that I need to be eating CONSTANTLY.  So here it goes.  I'm just going to protein it up!  And maybe take some longer walks.  And maybe, if you feel like offering me a Christmas cookie, you can wait like a year so I won't be pregnant anymore.  Thankyouverymuch!

In other news, the nosebleeds have started again.  I am scheduled to get my platelets checked (finally!) so we can see how low (or not low!  I'm being such a pessimist...) they are currently.

The rest of the appointment was good news.  Baby's head is down (hopefully locked and loaded).  Her heart rate was 140 beats per minute and she is measuring a perfect size.  Now I just need to wait one more month to be sure my placenta has moved away from the cervix (please please please!).  Then I will feel all ready to get this show on the road....well not really...but yeah.

25 Weeks--getting dressed for these pictures is becoming more of a hassle (I only take them on days I'm not working....and those are home clothes days!!!)