HALFWAY! Or maybe more! (or maybe less....). But it still feels good. This week we started a search for a new doula. The doula from our last birth is expecting her own little bundle around the same time so that just would not quite work out. I think we have found a new one though! I also had another prenatal appointment. Can you believe they were like, "you are so healthy we don't need to see you for another 6 weeks." WHAT? What happened to having a high-risk pregnancy and being seeing every week?! This is all so weird to me. Baby's heartbeat was a healthy 150 beats per minute. Daddy R felt her kick for the first time! Now we just need our baby girl #1 to feel her kick (this would make her beyond happy because she kisses, hugs, talks and sings to her all of the time). And even though Daddy R hates the name I love for this baby, our Baby #1 LOVES the name and has taken to calling her it daily. Even if this baby gets another name I don't think my name is going anywhere fast....much to her Daddy's dislike.
Halfway and looking (and feeling) oh so tired! |
when are you going to come to prenatal yoga with me?? you are looking great! congrats on making to the 1/2 way point!