Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Eight Months

Right when I thought Miss Adara Rose would never learn to create forward momentum she just. took. off.  And she really hasn't looked back.  This past month went by so quickly with so many changes it's unreal.  From crawling forward to pulling up and cruising on furniture, and waving hello and goodbye....usually 5 minutes after the person has left.  Hhhmmm. Yes. We need to work on that timing.   She certainly didn't inherit her bravery from me though. And she has been scaring this mama left and right.  She will be standing up and holding onto something and then just let go, like, "I got this!"  And she totally doesn't because the next thing we know she will have bumped her head and be on the ground.  Lots of scrapes and matter how much we baby-proof too because there is always a toy to fall on if nothing else!  She even tried to climb the bookshelf at daycare!  Ahhhh child.

She also is talking more than ever.  She is signing for "more." She says Hhhiiiiiiiiiiiii! dadadadadada, and her favorite Babababababa.  And the one that cracks me up the most: Ay Bebe.  EXACTLY Like the song: Ay Bay Bay Song!  But the one that melted my heart completely occurred towards the end of the month when she got oh so sick.  She was super cuddly and sad.  With tears in her eyes and her head on my pillow she looked right into my eyes and said a big "Mama!" And then smiled!  And then has never repeated it again.  Go figure.

Ryan and Rio went away rafting for memorial weekend.  So it was just us girls.  Adara is so easy going and likable.  Skip your afternoon nap?  No big deal.  Don't have time to feed you lunch?  How about a few cheerios instead?  Need to adjust your bedtime by a few hours?  Works just fine!  I know this is probably just a stage.  But we are loving the heck out of it.

The few hard things we are dealing with include her mama obsession and her strong-willed personality.  She doesn't want to be put down when I'm around at all.  She will literally crawl around the house behind me crying until she is picked up.  Because if she can be in her Mama's arms why would she want to be on the floor?  I get it.  But I'm a little over it because, child, there is housework to get done!  She has also become a tad bit aggressive.  For example, at daycare she will steal other kids pacifiers out of their mouths and take their bottles away from them mid-slurp!  And she will put up quite the fight until she gets her way.  She has been known to knock kids down twice her age, jump on top of them, pin them down and bite or claw their face......we are trying to work on "gentle touch."  But when this girl wants somethings she is 110% determined.

We love this little person!

Happy 8 months!

1 comment:

  1. we need to get adara and henry together for some rough and tumble play! he is a bit of a bruiser himself and loves "wrestling". xoxo
