Saturday, April 27, 2013

Six Months

Adara is half a year old.  Every parent says it: I can't believe how fast it's going.  Too fast, but also too slow.  As a parent I'm so impatient for the next thing.  For her to start crawling, and then walking, and then talking, and on and on.  I need to stop and enjoy what I have now.  BUT I am so excited to see what she will be like tomorrow and the next day....aaahhh.

One thing I am taking day by day is nursing.  I have shared before that nursing has been a huge struggle for me.  I miss sleep because of it, I eat lunch in my car because of it, I have pain because of it, I have scars that I am pretty sure will never go away because of it.  So many moms say they really enjoy it.  That it's so wonderful.  Such a great time to connect with their little one.  I think I am just starting to get to that point because it has been such a rocky road. I never thought I would be able to nurse this long, especially working full-time and having to pump so much milk.  But one day at a time makes it easier.  I hope that I can nurse tomorrow.

A big change for Adara (and for my nursing) happened one morning at the very beginning of the month.  I could hear Adara talking her usual baby babble from her crib.  I went to wish her a happy morning and she smiled her usual "good morning" smile and guess what!!!  There was a flash of something shiny and white in her mouth!  Her first tooth erupted over night! Font bottom right. Just the hint of the top of it.  It's a sharp and jagged little sucker.  A few days later another one came in.

She not only looks more grown up with two little teeth, she is acting grown up.  Little girl has been moving around for a while, military crawling, but now she has just started getting up on her knees!  She is going to start really REALLY crawling any day.  And then her personality will really shine because we can see what she wants to do, and play with, and go!  We are so excited for that.  Yes.  Ask me again in another few months how I like chasing her around ...yes, I know.

Adara continues to explore the world of solid foods.  She still much prefers breastmilk (thank goodness, because that is what she needs the most!) but she is turning into quite the adventuresome eater.  She even has developed a liking for avocado.  Peas still seem to remain her absolute favorite.  And mangos, and bananas, and sweet potato, and, well, almost everything (she takes after her parents).  I love preparing her food for her!

Happy half-a-year-old Baby Girl!  I am so incredibly in love with you!

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