Sunday, February 17, 2013

4 Months

We had such a big month!  Adara started "school" because I went back to work.  I couldn't be more happy with the setup.  I have been able to go nurse and play with Adara every day at lunch for an hour.  Thank goodness for this because she has so much fun with all of her friends that she is exhausted when she gets home.  She goes right to bed and I wouldn't get to see her at all during the week if the special lunch time hour did not exist.

Well, let me correct that, I do get to see her several times throughout the night because after bragging last month that Adara started sleeping through the night she decided to regress.  Some nights she would  wake EVERY single hour.  Going to work like a zombie mama was no fun.  We finally decided to let Adara sleep in her crib in her own bedroom because she seems to sleep better there (she learned about sleeping in a crib at daycare because we have always had her sleep in a bassinet next to our bed).  When we finally discovered this Adara's sleep improved (I hope I am not jinxing it by typing this...).  I guess she just needed a little more personal space now that she is a big four month-er.

In other news Adara has forgotten how to roll over.  I was so excited last month when she would spend countless hours rolling all around.  Now, she lays contently on her back and puts whatever is in reach straight into her mouth.  If something is not in reach she makes a little noise to alert us that she would like it to be in her mouth.  She can almost sit up as well.  But we have to be careful because she tends to topple over whenever her little ab muscles give out.  She weighed 14Ibs 9oz at her 4-month doctor visit and was 25.5 inches long.  Still a long and lean little thing.

Happy 4 months baby girl!

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