Friday, September 7, 2012

The Blood Doctor

I went to my hematologist appointment today and I love her for so many reasons.  Now that I have been deemed as having a "high-risk" pregnancy I have a whole crew of people that I have to meet with and she just might be my favorite one.  She is very direct and tell-it-like-it-is which I appreciate.  She also seems very smart. And so calm.  And the best part is how complimentary she is because I always walk out of her office on a compliment high.

I learned today the following things:

1. My platelet count is now at 77.
2. If my low platelets is caused by pregnancy it should stop dropping soon--it would be unlikely to drop below 70.
3. If my platelets drop below 70 it might mean it's not due to pregnancy.  I could have an autoimmune disorder that was triggered by the pregnancy.
2. Getting a cesarean would be dumb and she will tell the other doctors this too.
3.  An epidural is now officially off the table with a platelet count below 80.  She offered to pump me up on steroids starting now to raise my platelets but they have side-effects that are not so great.  I declined and there is no going back now.
4. If my platelets continue to drop it could affect the baby's platelets too.
5. Induction is not completely off the table if my platelets continue to drop.
6. There should be no reason why I cannot continue to have a water birth and she will let them know that the hospital policy that says I cannot is dumb too.

That about sums it up.  They took a WHOLE bunch more blood from me (not my favorite part) and I should get more test results soon.  I will continue to meet with my hematologist throughout the end of my pregnancy and she might even be at my birth (or close by to consult with at least).

While all of the other doctors made it seem like getting the baby out of me would be an impossible and dangerous task she made me feel like there is hope (obviously there is hope, I am being dramatic).  But you get what I am saying....right?  When your medical professionals seem to freak out it can be oh so very scary.  I am thankful to have her!  We are meeting with a whole other team of specialists on Tuesday so more updates will be coming!

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