Wednesday, July 25, 2012

29 Weeks

Goodness.  A lot happened this week involving baby.  To start it all off I had my gestational diabetes test.  They just switched this so that women no longer get a one-hour screening but instead just take a two-hour diagnostic test.  I thought I was in trouble when I drank the glucola and thought to myself....that wasn't so bad.  Clear sign that I eat too much sugar.  But an hour later I felt like I was going to puke and the room was spinning.  Luckily, I passed the test with flying colors.  No diabetes here.  Just a big huge tummy.

I also got another blood test to check my platelets.  Sadly, my levels have dropped to 97.  This is the lowest they have ever been.  I will now have to start getting my levels checked every other week.  Dislike.  When I went for my midwife appointment I learned that this is falling into the more concerning range.  The doctors are staffing my case at some meeting this week but I may not be able to birth in water.  I also may not get to have midwives.  I went home from the appointment feeling completely defeated.  To top it off, I learned that babygirl is in the exact opposite position she needs to be in.  I still have a long while (10 weeks!) and she can flip 5 billion times before now and then.  But it was extra icing on the cake of bad news.  Especially because the other couples in my group appointment all have more cooperative pregnancies and babies.  The other news I learned is that I am measuring big....32 week big instead of my 29/30 weeks.  My weight gain is in the correct range so it might be how babygirl is situated or I might be giving birth to a very big girl.  

In more uplifting news we worked a lot on the nursery this past week.  Ryan hung one of the mobiles, the movement mirror, and the curtain for the closet.  The furniture is all situated.  We are all set for the baby showers to start because we have places to put things!  I love love love this room and it's not even done yet.  

Babygirl still is causing my right rib cage a lot of grief.  Driving causes the most excruciating pain ever because the position I have to sit in causes even more pressure on the ribs and it feels like the ribs are actually going to separate.  Other than that I love her sweet movements.  I feel like we are already connecting in some weird way.

To top it all of we took two classes.  A breastfeeding class and a infant care class.  The breastfeeding class was incredibly useful and fascinating.  Our instructor was a serious riot as well.  She stood on top of a chair while holding a fake breast up to her own chest and manipulated it in all sorts of ways.  I have never met anyone so enthusiastic and knowledgable about boobs in my life.  We were supposed to take a childbirth education class this weekend and it was cancelled last minute.  This left me in complete panic mode because "I can't have a baby if I don't know what to expect!" Logic was not part of my thinking during this freak out moment. Oh no.  Just hysterics and hormones.  I paged Ryan at work in tears.  Luckily we were able to find another childbirth class before our due date in August.  It is much more expensive than our original class but it looks like it will be more comprehensive.  OOHHH....and the best part is that when they sent our acceptance letter into the class they asked us to bring massage oil.  Ryan was furious because, and I quote, "I paid XXXX amount of money to massage you?!?!?"  Yes, yes you did.  And I can't wait! :)

29 weeks of baby belly!

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