Saturday, February 18, 2012

Week 6

It seems like the cramps might be lessening in severity but not frequency.  They feel just like menstrual cramps now, which apparently is somewhat normal.  I personally think this is a bit ironic because you would think one of the saving graces of this whole pregnancy thing is not having to deal with the period feelings--little did I know that I might be dealing with the period symptoms for 9 months straight!  Fabulous.

Daddy R and I have started getting our house ready for Baby B.  Cleaning out the future nursery is quite the job.  We have taken car fulls of stuff to Goodwill and have made several trips to Ikea to get better storage systems.  We have also started talking about how we want the nursery to look.  Daddy R thinks a large death star rug would be lovely.  I disagree whole-heartedly.

It's getting harder and harder to lie to people and tell them nothing is cooking in my tummy.  Why does everyone constantly assume I am pregnant?  I can't wait until our first doctor appointment.

I am not having any new symptoms.  No tiredness (which surprises me) and no morning sickness.  I also do not think I have a baby bump anymore.  I have read that my bump is more due to baby bloat.  In the morning I wake up and my tummy is almost flat.  By the time I go to bed I look 3 months pregnant.

Here I am, baby bloat and all it's glory:

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