If I would have written this post when Remi was 3 months and 3 weeks I would have said this bottle thing may be a lost cause. But then something amazing happened! We have been trying to hold out as long as possible putting Remi into daycare because it's so flipping expensive to even have one kid in daycare, let alone two. Like, completely unreal expensive. But I have been struggling providing enough entertainment to our Remigirl while doing dishes, laundry, and trying to get enough sleep (working nights). So, when our daycare called and basically said, it's got to be now or 6 months from now I immediately said NOW! With very little preparation on either end Remi went off to school! It was crazy. I had a complete mix of emotions but as soon as I saw how happy our sweet girl was with all of her new little friends I knew I made the right decision. She gets so excited to go to school--she flaps her arms, and does exaggerated breaths, and gets super big eyes! It's awesome that a 3-month-old can communicate as well as she can! AND she already learned something important in school--how to take a bottle! The first few days she pretty much starved but by the second week she was completely like, I got this! And again, she looked so mighty proud of herself. Money well spent.
She had her 4-month check-up and weighs in at 14.1 pounds and 26 inches long. I thought Adara was long and skinny but Remi has Adara beat on both accounts. She probably would have weighed more if she had not gone on her hunger strike. We also learned she will be starting physical therapy for torticollis. I thought this had resolved itself because she has been turning her head in both directions but the doctor is still concerned she is holding one shoulder higher than the other.
She had her 4-month check-up and weighs in at 14.1 pounds and 26 inches long. I thought Adara was long and skinny but Remi has Adara beat on both accounts. She probably would have weighed more if she had not gone on her hunger strike. We also learned she will be starting physical therapy for torticollis. I thought this had resolved itself because she has been turning her head in both directions but the doctor is still concerned she is holding one shoulder higher than the other.
In other news Remi's hand-eye coordination is amazing. She can pick up whatever she wants and it goes straight into her mouth. She loves to play with toys--I don't remember Adara being this into toys. If she doesn't have a toy she lets us know she wants something! She is still very smily and loves to laugh. She has also started to try and sit up. She can only sit about 30 seconds before her tummy muscles give out and she topples, but she is getting a stronger core everyday. She is also wearing 6-month clothes. I feel like she skipped a step....what happened to 3 month clothing?! She continues to sleep through the night but has started being a little fussy going down and getting up around 6am instead of 7am. She loves her sister more than anything. Her whole face lights up when she gets any attention from her and she starts cooing. All of it melts my heart. Happy 4 months Remigirl!
4-month babygirl <3 |