Thursday, May 26, 2016

Two Months

What lucky parents we are to have a two month old just like you!  I went back to work this month (when you were 6 weeks old) and you must have known because you have been so very kind to us in the sleep department.  You have always been the sleepiest of babies but we especially needed it this month!  You have adjusted unremarkably well.  You won't take a bottle from anyone but me (so smart to know that Mama feeds you!) but it doesn't seem to matter because you just don't eat while I'm at work.  I fear it's too long for you to go without food so Daddy R has been coming half-way through my shift for a feeding.  Because you won't take bottles I have over 200ozs of breastmilk in the freezer--what a change from last time around when I was constantly stressed about my milk supply!

In other news you have also turned into the smiliest baby!  All I have to do is look at you and you bust out the biggest gummy smile.  It makes my heart melt.  The best/worst is when you are nursing and I look down at you and you bust out a smile so all the milk in your mouth pours out all over your face.  It's like you can't even contain your happiness!  I love you SSOOOO much.  It's so easy to be your Mom and I can't believe how you just seem to fit so perfectly into our family.

The doctor says you are growing straight up on the growth curve (no curve for you!)!  12 pounds and 24 inches long!  Starting to wear less of your 0-3 months clothes and more of your 3-6 month stuff.  AND your eyes are still blue.....before you were born your Aunt Lily and I had a strong feeling you would have blue eyes and dark's very weird we were right.  And now we are just wondering if the eyes and hair will change.  I loved your sister's big brown eyes but your deep blue/grey eyes (I swear they turn purple in some lights) are just as magnificent!  You are lighter in complexion than your sister and you are starting to get the baby mullet!  And your personality is defintely goodball to the max!  Everyone says you look older than your age (just like they said about your sister).  We love you Remi Violet!

Just ignore the spit up on my sweatshirt....Happy two months!