Monday, February 22, 2016

37 Weeks

Our house and nursery are really coming together!  Hospital bag is not yet packed....I should probably do that....but carseat is installed.  Birth plan is sent to doula.  And things are feeling more and more real!  I have had pretty steady contractions for a few nights in a row and I keep thinking, this is it!  But they don't really increase with intensity and are about 15 minutes apart.  And then they stop.  I feel so big and swollen.  I am having weekly midwife appointments.  My platelets have been much better behaved this time around.  They are currently at 113!  Everyday baby girl #1 asks if this will be the day.  We are getting so excited over here!
Stole this big t-shirt from Daddy R because my maternity clothes are feeling a little snug--37 Weeks!

Need to put things away, hang curtains and pictures....but coming together considering we just moved a week ago!

This baby has SO many things already thanks to big sister!

Some of the art to hang on the walls....

Who is having the next baby girl?!?!  I have WAY too many clothes! 

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

36 Weeks

Things are going so fast now...and simultaneously so very slow.  We moved into our new house!  Baby B #2 has a nursery!  But getting everything organized is taking forever.  And when you can only move at a snails pace because you are as big as a whale.  And when you aren't supposed to be lifting any heavy things but you do anyway....  Oh vey.  I probably have overdone it but I am so desperate for this little one to come and for things to be just right.  I have done 700 loads of laundry, have organized clothes by sizes, and I am busy sorting out toys to decide if they are baby toys or sister's big girl toys.  And then working full-time on top of that and being a mommy to my first born.  I'm exhausted.  So baby being born kind of sort of sounds like a vacay.  Even though I know it won't be in my heart of hearts!  I'm ready!!! (and I'm not!).
36 Week Belly and officially as big as when I delivered by Baby #1.  Please come soon Baby #2!  (and don't mind the mess from unpacking!)

Thursday, February 4, 2016

35 Weeks

I experienced one of the most bizarre and horrible pregnancy symptoms this past week.  Every time I tried to sleep it felt like bugs were crawling under my skin on my pregnant belly.  I would scratch my tummy to try and make the feeling go away but it wouldn't even matter because my stomach just felt this weird numb feeling.  What the heck!?!?!  One night I'm pretty sure I got like 2 hours of sleep because the feeling was so disturbing.  I actually used the flashlight on my phone to make sure I didn't ACTUALLY have bugs.  At my midwife appointment I learned that this is common when you start swelling and water is trapped between your skin and everything else.  You get more pressure on your tummy when you lay down, hence the weird bug crawling feeling.  Luckily, I haven't felt it the last two nights but my oh my it was the worst.  I am so tired now.  I could sleep for a week to make up for everything.  And to top it off baby #1's asthma started acting up.  For the first time in a year.  I'm so sad because we were so close to taking her off her steroids.  BBOOOOOO.  and Stress.  :(  And swelling!  I never swelled up with baby #1.  But as of this week my rings don't fit my fingers anymore and when I take off my socks I look like I have sausage ankles.  UGH yuck.

In good news, we move this weekend!  WHOHOOOOOO!  And then I will officially begin the nesting like crazy process.  I will have a whole new home to take over.  I can't even wait!  I'm so ready for baby but completely not at all at the simultaneously.  And everyone has told me that I have dropped.  Even my midwife said baby's head is riding very low in the pelvis.  And baby #1 got to hear baby #2's heartbeat for the first time.  She was in awe.  Sister memories!

Surrounded by sea of moving boxes.  Might just be the last picture in our "summer home." 35 week belly!