Monday, September 21, 2015


16 weeks w/ Baby #1 and 16 weeks w/ Baby #2.  Something looks a tad bit different. :(

Week 16

When will I start to feel baby move?!?!  This baby is SO different than #1.  I remember the first time around I felt movement from so early on almost daily (like 13/14 weeks!).  This one, I rarely feel move (except one random Monday--don't know what the celebration that day was all about).  I think this baby's personality is already coming through.  And it's one chill little person.  But I really am ready for us to start bonding so anytime this little peanut wants to start moving and a shaking is fine with me!  And I might be jinxing myself here but I don't really know how you could be anymore chill than our sweet #1 girl....except that our sweet #1 girl just turned into a terrible threenager and she is not so sweet anymore.  In fact, it took almost three years but she just had her first official tantrum.  And she has stopped listening.  And lost all her ability to reason/have a productive adult conversation.  And she likes to do EVERYTHING all by herself.  Even when it takes 5 hours or she is just doing it wrong.  So I guess I am ready for another sweet chill little person after all!  Please be another easy baby like your big sister was because I think we have our hands full now!

Week 16 Belly

Week 15

I'm not feeling very pregnant these days.  This time around, I am just too busy to have those "I'm pregnant and tired" thoughts because I'm chasing around #1, or working, or cleaning, or doing goodness knows whatever else I am constantly doing (what do I do all day!?!?).  Because what I DO know is that I am not sitting around thinking, "I'm pregnant."  Not at all.  Most of the time I actually forget until someone comments on my growing belly.  And on several occasions I have bent over and knocked the wind out of myself because I actually forget to leave room for the belly.  Whoops.  I had a midwife appointment this week and I actually had thoughts that they might not hear a heartbeat because I'm just not so sure I am pregnant most days...  But they found the beat no problem.  144 beats per minute.  I'm pretty sure that is way slower than #1 ever was...  AND they pushed back my due date.  March 8th is the new date because baby is measuring small.  So, I don't know what this really means for my blogs weekly counts....but due date boo date.  Pretty sure baby will come when baby is going to come.  Right?

15 Week Belly 

Friday, September 11, 2015

Week 14

This was a rough week and it really didn't need to after our 12 week scan the doctor said everything looked great.  Well, this week I got an email with the test results and it had a list of all the things they looked at: stomach (normal), bladder (normal), cranium (normal).  ALL normal until it got to cardiac axis (abnormal).  WHAT??!!!?  They give me this news over email?!?!  No phone call. No consultation.  Just me.  To interpret the results all by myself (with the help of google--and everyone knows how helpful google is when you are freaking out about a medical crisis.....).  I have another midwife appointment next week so I planned to wait to talk to the midwife in person.  Until I started googling about how my baby's heart is in the wrong place and s/he could die any minute, or need a major surgery, require a c-section, have to stay in the NICU for 6 months, or perhaps, the problem would self-correct.  After tears (lots of tears) I decided I had to call my midwife right away.  All to find out that (abnormal) was poorly worded language for "they didn't get a good ultrasound picture."  Again, WHAT?!?!?!  NEVER, EVER, EVER, in a million trillion years tell a pregnant woman something is ABNORMAL.  I can think of 50 other ways they could have described not getting a good enough picture.  So now I am very thankful my baby's cardiac axis is (hopefully) okay.  

The rest of this week was a piece of cake.  Because we were relaxing in Bend.   And I got my favorite thai food and way too much ice cream and lots of hiking outside with daughter #1.  So life was especially good! :)

14 week bump

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Week 13

Towards the end of this week I could feel my energy start creeping back to it's usual level.  All of a sudden my mid-day naps were no longer required for survival.  Thank you second trimester!  I have been feeling a lot more anxious this pregnancy.  Perhaps for a variety of reasons.  But it kind of sucks.  I thought things would improve after the 12 week ultrasound but they have not really.  Here's to hoping my anxiety will dissipate after the anatomy ultrasound which I scheduled for Oct. 7th.  I really need to shake this feeling!  I also am thinking I might feel better when I start feel baby moving.  I have felt the flutters but not regularly.  In fact, I haven't felt anything for a few days.  I remember with Baby #1 I started feeling flutters every morning while driving to work around this time.  I guess I just need to practice my patience and trust that everything is going okay.  

13 weeks...