Adara is two months old! My favorite thing she does now is SMILE. She does this pretty consistently, especially when she sees me (which makes me feel beyond special). I have been waiting for her to smile (like
really smile) since the day she was born because all of the crying can make you so sad and wonder if your baby will ever be happy. Well, I can assure everyone that we have one very happy little girl.
Other changes include being more active, wanting to nurse constantly (like even when she is asleep), screaming (the kid has a real set of lungs), having "conversations,"imitating people (she sticks out her tongue on cue, "laughs," and sings opera with her Aunt Lily) and growing big! Adara can now fit into 3-6 month clothing because she is SO long. Luckily, she still fits into most of her 0-3 month clothing except some of the footie pajama type of onesies because her legs are just too long. She is still looking like a supermodel but I have a feeling she is going to pack on the cute baby chub soon (because I don't think she can get any longer). At her last doctor appointment she weighed 11 pounds (50th percentile) and was 24 inches long (90th percentile).
As for the screaming, Adara is not a very patient baby. She used to do a soft cry, that would progressively get louder if her needs were not being met. Now she skips all the crying and goes straight to screaming. I'm talking bright red face, choking on her own spit, ear piercing screaming. I almost feel like a horrible mother because it would seem like we don't meet her needs quick enough or something. I hope she will outgrow this phase quickly because it is very sad (and loud). But like I said earlier, all of the smiles definitely make up for it!
One more month until I have to return to work and Adara will be going to daycare. It will be a special month with Christmas, Daddy's 30th birthday, and a brand new year!
Here are some of the Adara highlights this past month:
Auntie Lily wanting to eat the cute little turkey. |
With Grandma on Thanksgiving |
First family picture |
With everyone! |
2 month picture |
1 month picture |
***(we thought about retaking the 1 month picture but then decided the crying was quite fitting)