Saturday, December 8, 2012

Two Months

Adara is two months old!  My favorite thing she does now is SMILE.  She does this pretty consistently, especially when she sees me (which makes me feel beyond special).  I have been waiting for her to smile (like really smile) since the day she was born because all of the crying can make you so sad and wonder if your baby will ever be happy.  Well, I can assure everyone that we have one very happy little girl.

Other changes include being more active, wanting to nurse constantly (like even when she is asleep), screaming (the kid has a real set of lungs), having "conversations,"imitating people (she sticks out her tongue on cue, "laughs," and sings opera with her Aunt Lily) and growing big!  Adara can now fit into 3-6 month clothing because she is SO long.  Luckily, she still fits into most of her 0-3 month clothing except some of the footie pajama type of onesies because her legs are just too long.  She is still looking like a supermodel but I have a feeling she is going to pack on the cute baby chub soon (because I don't think she can get any longer).  At her last doctor appointment she weighed 11 pounds (50th percentile) and was 24 inches long (90th percentile).

As for the screaming, Adara is not a very patient baby.  She used to do a soft cry, that would progressively get louder if her needs were not being met.  Now she skips all the crying and goes straight to screaming.  I'm talking bright red face, choking on her own spit, ear piercing screaming.  I almost feel like a horrible mother because it would seem like we don't meet her needs quick enough or something.  I hope she will outgrow this phase quickly because it is very sad (and loud).  But like I said earlier, all of the smiles definitely make up for it!

One more month until I have to return to work and Adara will be going to daycare.  It will be a special month with Christmas, Daddy's 30th birthday, and a brand new year!

Here are some of the Adara highlights this past month:

Auntie Lily wanting to eat the cute little turkey.

With Grandma on Thanksgiving

First family picture

With everyone!
2 month picture
1 month picture

***(we thought about retaking the 1 month picture but then decided the crying was quite fitting)

Thursday, November 1, 2012

One Month Old

We have loved getting to know Adara this past month.  Her dad frequently describes her as "awesome."  She is a very cuddly little girl and often makes various squeaking sounds to let us know if she is comfortable, uncomfortable, and everything in between.  Due to her little noises we are pretty sure Rio believes we have brought home a squirrel.  He pointed at her one of the first days she was home and frequently gives us looks like, "Really, a squirrel in the house?!"  So we have started calling our little love "squirrel" on occasion (or pterodactyl...and sometimes she cries when she is really upset and sounds like a machine gun).

Adara's personality traits seem to be a good mix of her mom and dad.  She is a very serious baby (dad) and frequently looks concerned (mom).  She loves to be as warm as possible at all times (mom).  She enjoys her sleep (dad) and eats vigorously (mom).  She is also a very strong baby.  She took right to tummy time and right from birth has been able to demonstrate incredible neck control.  She lifts her head by herself and can also get up on her knees when she is doing tummy time.

Having a little nap after a good nurse. 

Already a Red Sox fan!  Daddy is so proud!

Adara smiles.

Clothe diapering is so cute and has been a breeze.

A makes tummy time so stylish.

Out of this world stimulation!

"Mommy, stop playing dress up!"

She inherited her mommy's ears.

We don't know where she got her HUGE feet from and LONG toes.

Baby mullet.  The party is def in the back.
Those lips from your daddy.

Beautiful dark black eyes.  We are still waiting to see if they will change color.

Halloween banana costume thanks to Henry!
Trip to the pumpkin patch!
The biggest parenting challenge so far has been breastfeeding.  My milk supply took forever to come in.  Breast feeding was also incredibly painful for me.  I had cracked and bloody nipples.  In fact, when the lactation consultant saw my nipples she thought one of them was slightly inverted until she realized I just had a chunk missing.  Luckily, they are healing and feeding has stopped being the most painful thing ever.  

The other challenge with breast feeding is that you never know how much milk your child is getting which can be scary.  Adara stopped pooping at around 2 weeks.  We made a doctor appointment and they checked her weight.  She was still not back up to her birth weight.  We had a follow up appointment and realized that in one week Adara had not gained any weight.  I started pumping like crazy and would supplement with my pumped breast milk so I could better monitor her intake.  Also, one of my good friends gave us some of her breast milk to help Adara out.  I think this had to be the greatest present ever because it is the worst feeling in the world to have your daughter screaming at you in hunger and to have no milk (we also had to use a little bit of formula).  Having a happy and healthy baby was more important than feeding a strictly breast milk diet at this point.  But having other breast milk in case of emergencies made me feel SO much better.  And less stress helped my milk to come in I am sure. 
To make nursing that much harder Adara would frequently flip me off  while I was wincing in pain.  I almost gave up breastfeeding altogether but I am so happy I stuck with it!

Adara is now at 8 pounds 8 ounces.  She is in the 50th percentile for weight and the 95th percentile for height.  A little super model baby.  Long and so lean.  She is still in her newborn clothing but some of her outfits are getting kind of tight in length (definitely not width).  I am working on continuing to try and fatten her up.

Adara Rose we love you so much and this first month has been very special.  I can't wait to watch you grow (just don't do it too quickly!).  xoxo

Friday, October 12, 2012

Adara's Birth Story

I knew that I wanted to write a birth story for Baby B after reading so many other fabulous birth stories as I prepared for her arrival.  I was hoping to include step-by-step pictures to help illustrate everything that happened but things were far too intense for picture taking so my written descriptions will have to be good enough.  Here is my recollection of how things happened, written down before the memories have a chance to fade too drastically.  Here we go!

Baby B's grand entrance to the  world began at 3:30am on Tuesday, October 2nd.  I woke up with the feeling of wet underwear.  Initially, I didn't feel like my waters broke because it just seemed like heavy discharge.  But it was heavy enough that I decided to put on a new pair of underwear and a pad.  Five minutes later liquid started flowing out of me like Niagara Falls.  My plan when labor began was to stay at home and try to get as much sleep as possible until things became stage critical.  I did not anticipate how much water would be coming out of me (and it didn't stop coming out of me!).  There was no way in the world that I could have gone back to sleep because it felt like I was peeing buckets and buckets and that is not a feeling one is used to unless they are normally wearing diapers.  I started to get excited and made phone calls to the midwives and some family members.  I also started to plan what I wanted to do since I knew sleep was out of the question.  I took a shower, did my hair, make-up (ha--little did I know that looking good for Baby's arrival would be the furtherest thing on my mind).  I also went a little nest crazy and decided to pack and repack Baby's diaper bag.  I freaked out about unfolded laundry and dirty dishes.  I also thought to eat a bowl of cereal.  All the while Ryan was like, "aren't we supposed to be sleeping to store up energy for the labor?!?!"  Poor boy.

At this point my contractions were pretty manageable.  It felt no worse than bad period cramps.  Around 7:00am I decided we should head to my mom's house in order to beat the morning rush hour traffic headed into Portland.  The contractions were picking up and I sang loudly to bad songs on the radio in order to distract myself from the increasing pain.  Ryan laughed at me and told me these are the reasons he loves me.

We arrived at my mom's house around 7:30am.  The contractions initially decreased when I first got to my mom's.  I realized I was hungry again and my sister made me an amazing berry smoothie.  She heated some left-over chicken pot pie for Ryan but I was so hungry that I ate most of his breakfast too.  We both agreed that it was the best chicken pot pie we have ever tasted (made by my amazing chef of a mom!).  This would be the last real meal Baby B would get in utero.  Ryan downloaded a contraction app and was having fun passing the time by recording my contractions.  My nerd of husband was geeking out over the app's ability to graph the contractions and put them into excel.  As he was doing this we realized that my contractions were getting very close together.  They were coming about 2 minutes apart and lasting about 40 seconds in length.  At 8:30am we decided we should have our doula, Carrie, come to my mom's house.  But with the increased contractions we second guessed ourselves and decided that we should head straight to the hospital (my mom was growing concerned we would deliver Baby B on the living room sofa).  At 9:00am we left for the hospital with Carrie driving right behind us.

The walk from the car to the birth triage unit was ridiculously long.  My contractions were intense and I felt like I was going to have the baby very soon.  Everything was going pretty much to plan.  In triage they started to monitor the contractions and baby.  They then wanted to do a vaginal exam to make sure my waters had broken and to see how dilated I was.  This was incredibly painful because as soon as they attempted to look inside me I would have a contraction and they would have to start over.  According to my birth plan I didn't want to know how dilated I was because I thought that could make me feel frustrated if I wasn't making progress.  The midwives said that they wanted to admit me because my waters had broken but they would not allow me to get into the birthing tub because they wanted to see more progress first.  I was incredibly disappointed because I felt like I had been working so hard and I could not understand why I hadn't progressed enough to get in the birthing tub.

Our doula suggested that we walk the hallways in order to keep things moving along.  It was at this time that my pain increased tenfold.  I started to experience some back labor.  Carrie let us know this was a good sign because it just meant that baby was moving in position to be born.  I wanted to get the show on the road so I decided to be an overachiever and attempt to walk up stairs.  I did not manage to get up very many before the pain grew to be too much.  I had a to stop walking every few minutes so that Ryan could apply counter pressure to my back.  He was my knight in shining armor.  This was the only thing that helped the pain.  By the time we made it back to our birthing room I was really feeling like the pain was too much.  Carrie suggested we get in the shower or jetted bath.  This helped with pain management for a little while.  Ryan trickled warm water down my back and I would rest between contractions.  During contractions he would squeeze hard on my hips to apply the counter pressure.  At about 3pm they checked my cervix again.  That is when I got the worst news imaginable (actually, in retrospect there is far worst news....but at the time.....).  The midwife went against my birth plan to tell me that I was only 1 centimeter dilated.  She also said that I had come into the hospital 100% effaced and she could feel baby's head (both of which was good news).  But all I could hear was the fact that I wasn't making any progress despite all of the pain I was experiencing.  We went back to walking the hallways but my ability to walk had decreased significantly.  At 3:45pm I demanded to be checked again.  The midwife let me know I made a little bit of progress.  She could see how much pain I was in so she allowed me to get in the birth tub.

The birth tub was heaven.  I don't know what people do without them (actually I do, they get epidurals).  But because I was going al natural the birth tub was my epidural.  I relaxed in the tub (and by relaxed I mean that I screamed through contractions and then rested in between) and then had to take breaks walking around to ensure that I continued to progress.  It was at this time that I got the overwhelming sensation to push.  This was not even a sensation I could control.  I am talking about when you get the flu and your body starts to convulse into vomiting/diarrhea fits.  Completely involuntary.  My body was convulsing in weird ways to push out a baby and I couldn't even control it.  I felt so much pressure with each contraction that it was unreal.  The midwives saw what was happening and checked my cervix again.  It was at this time that I completely lost it.  They shared that I was only 3 centimeters dilated.  3 FREAKING CENTIMETERS!  Most women don't even go to the hospital when they are this little dilated.  It was around 4:45pm and I had been in pain for almost 12 hours.  I didn't think I could go on any longer.  I started asking everyone to help me.  I started begging for help.  It was at this time that they sent in an anesthesiologist.

The anesthesiologist told me that my platelet levels were at 82.  He stated that the odds of complications for a women with normal platelet levels getting an epidural are like 1 in a million.  He then said, "But for you, we don't even know.  I do not feel comfortable giving you an epidural.  Maybe another doctor would but I do not.  If there were complications it would be catastrophic and very unfortunate things could happen."  Despite being in unbelievable pain his words were enough to convince me that I did not want to go the epidural route.  I reached inside myself for whatever strength I had left and started fighting.  My midwife, Carrie, and Ryan also had words of encouragement.  Everyone reminded me that I have already made a little bit of progress with my cervix and everything else was ready to go.  My midwife told me to visualize my cervix opening.  It was at this time that my animal instincts kicked in entirely.  I completely lost control.  I began screaming the words "OPEN" over and over, I forced my body to relax even when it wanted to convulse.  I punched the wall so hard that my hand is still sore today.  I attempted to bite Carrie (animal instincts I guess?).  She was so sweet about it and said, "That's alright, I have a two-year-old at home and I am used to being bit."  I also peed on the floor.  I am pretty sure I looked like a crazed lunatic at this point.  But I had stopped caring about everything not related to my cervix opening.  At 4:45pm I demanded to be checked again.  When the midwife said 5 centimeters I started to cry.  I was so happy that my efforts were allowing me to progress.  But I was also sad at the slow pace.  Ryan reminded me to stay positive and keep fighting.

I attempted to continue.  But things felt different.  I no longer could fight off the urge to push.  I was pushing her out.  My midwife continued to remind me to force my body to relax but that was not possible.  She also said that if I didn't fight off the urge to push I could cause pretty severe tearing to my cervix.  But it didn't matter.  My body had a complete mind of it's own.  Throughout labor I felt like I was in a weird time warp but especially at this point things become a little hazy.  When Ryan was re-telling our birth story he said that at this point he knew something had changed because the contractions were almost constant and I was responding very differently to them--like thrashing around in spastic fits in the birth tub and leaping up and down like I was having a seizure.  I finally screamed at 5:30pm: THIS BABY IS COMING OUT OF ME RIGHT NOW!  I couldn't control it either.  I felt the baby start to come out.  The nurse attempted to check my cervix while I was splashing around in the tub and she exclaimed, "Yes, you are right.  We are going to have a baby in a minute.  Everyone suit up! You can start pushing!" To everyone's astonishment I proclaimed, "NO, I am not allowed to have a baby in the birth tub (which was funny because the midwives were totally going to let me do so, but somehow, even in my altered state of mind I remembered that due to my low platelets I wasn't supposed to).  I also remembered that I wanted my mom and sister in the room to see the birth.  So, as I scrambled out of the tub Ryan attempted to call my mom and sister in and luckily they were right outside with dinner they had purchased for Ryan.

I first attempted to give birth laying on my side, but when they said that I would need to bring my knee to my ear I realized I wasn't that flexible.  I got on my back and my awesome team of midwives coached me to slowly push our little girl out.  And when I say slowly.....I mean S...L...O...W....L..Y!  They stopped at several very uncomfortable times.  I got to touch her head as it was crowning (Ryan did too) and we were shocked to hear "We see lots of curly black hair."  My first thought was: Black Hair?  How is this my child?  A few pushes and minutes later baby girl was in my arms and I was in love.  I was surprised how good I felt after labor.  I wanted to go home and introduce her to the world.

Minutes after she was born.

Aunt Lily visiting us in the hospital

Adara Rose <3

Big yawn
Her pretty skin and hair color came from her daddy

Going home outfit

Little babe in a big carseat

Time to go home from the hospital!

Home from the hospital!

Adara Rose
Born 10/2/12 6:10pm
8.2 ounces, 21 inches long

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

38 Weeks

Aside from being sick pregnancy has been going well this past week.  It's almost weird to say that it's gotten easier in the last few weeks because I feel like most women get increasingly uncomfortable; however,  Baby B dropping away from my rib cage made a HUGE difference.  Now I sometimes forget I am even carrying a little girl (until I try to bend over, or cough, or walk....okay, maybe until I move).

Ryan and I met with one of the senior midwives this week.  She has been a midwife for one million years and had oodles of experience regarding anything baby.  She estimated Baby B's current weight to be 7 pounds 14 ounces!  She then said, "I don't want to scare you, but you could easily be pregnant another few weeks because the baby has a lot more room to drop down."  AAAHHHHHHHHH!  This could mean we could have a 9 or 10 pound baby.  The midwife then pointed out that she doubts people really feel a difference between birthing a 6 pounder or a 9 pounder.  Let's hope she is right!

Here are some other fun facts:
*Baby B's heart tones were in the 140s.
*She is in a position that tends to make labor very fast but also very intense.
*My fundal height is already at 40 inches (the amount of inches is supposed to match the amount of weeks pregnant you are....but Baby B is just going to be a big baby).
*Baby B knows when we are at the doctor's office and always puts on quite the show of moving around and kicking.

But here is the BEST fact of all:
*My platelet levels are holding steady at 101.  This might mean I am just still sick.  BUT it might also mean that they are just set on remaining at that level.  I will talk to my hematologist again soon.

Wondering when Baby B will arrive?!?!

Monday, September 24, 2012


I became sick on Thursday.  Took Friday off to get all better.  Laid around most of Saturday just to be sure.  And by Sunday I felt fabulous.  So fabulous that I did things like clean out the fridge, scrub down the microwave, go shopping, clean cobwebs from places that have been bugging me for months, and I walked up Dead Man's Hill (twice).  Today I woke up sick again.  I guess I over did it.   It probably didn't help that I went to work this morning and facilitated a training where I had to talk for several hours straight.

Here is where the conundrum comes into play.  I want to do all of these things to prepare for Baby B, but I have no energy because I am so busy with work and now I am sick.  I think the sickness is my body telling me to slow down.  But if I stop working now then that means less time with Baby B before  I have to go back to work.  And I can't stop preparing for her to get here.  That just isn't an option.  But if I keep working this hard then I will never get better and then I won't be able to have a good labor.

Ugh.  I guess I just want my cake and to eat it too....

Friday, September 21, 2012

And then the clouds came rolling in....

I went to the hematologist today and while I was hoping to get some answers to all of the unknowns I have been faced with lately I ended up with just a huge heaping pile of more questions.  To top it off, I woke up sick today.  Sore throat, watery eyes, headache, chills, running nose + 38 weeks pregnant =fun times.

When the hematologist found out I was sick she seemed less excited about my platelet levels spiking.  So we will see what they look like when I am feeling better.  She also found a few more NRBC's in my blood and informed me that my red blood cells are looking "wacky."  She said the shape of the red blood cells are consistant with what red blood cells look like right before a person has liver failure.  But they checked my liver and it is functioning normally.  So I remain a medical mystery.  Or she might have some hunches about what is going on and didn't want to scare me.  They need more blood but they can't take my blood right now because I am sick.  So that leaves us with Operation-Make-Me-Healthy.

I am now hoping Baby B does not decided to come because going into labor when you already feel like crud to begin with sounds like a bad plan.

The clouds came into Portland today and the weather is matching my mood perfectly.  

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Best news ever today!  My platelet levels spiked to a whooping 103!!!!  Even though that is still pretty low it's the highest it's been in a long time!  I am a medical mystery.  All I can say is that I hope my body knows that it has to make it through labor so it went into platelet making overdrive so that Baby B can come out safely.  So, Baby B, that's your cue!  Time to meet the world!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Sneak Peak

My sister and I got a sneak peak into Baby B's world today via ultrasound.  Poor Ryan missed out.  My team of doctors wanted to make sure that Baby B would be big enough to deliver in case they needed to get her out ASAP (depending on my platelet levels and such).  They also wanted to make sure there would not be any other complications because we have enough to deal with already.

The good news is that we have one healthy and beautiful little girl!  And BIG too!  She already is estimated to weigh 7.4 Ibs.  That is what I weighed when I was born!  So I hope Baby B knows she can come out WHENEVER she wants!  Maybe tonight??? (hint hint, nudge nudge!).  I do not want her to cook for another few weeks and end up being 9+ the sooner the better!

We are meeting with the hematologist on Friday to go over more blood results.  I feel extremely anxious for this appointment so I hope Friday gets here as fast as possible.

I will leave everyone with a picture of the little lady.  They had trouble getting a good profile shot because her head is so crammed into my pelvis (she is locked and loaded!).  But they did manage to get a picture of her lips and nose .  She totally has her dad's profile.  And his AMAZING lips.  Totally Angelina Jolie style.  I can't wait to see her in person!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

37 Weeks

Full term! Full disclosure!  Here are some belly pics in the flesh.  Stretch marks and lopsided and all.

Random confessions of a pregnant woman: I have always had a deep innie belly button.  I think the below picture shows as outie as it's going to get.  And how excited am I to finally have an outie!  I can now fully clean the inside of my belly button to my hearts content.  Thank you to my mother for instilling the idea to clean my belly button from a very young age.  Mission finally accomplished. 

In more serious news, this week has been a roller coaster ride for so many reasons.

To name a select few I found out my platelets dropped to 74.  And they found something in my blood that might indicate I am having some issues with my bone marrow.  Hopefully I will get more answers about this soon.  And this past weekend I thought I was going to have a baby.  Turns out I experienced some false labor.  I got Ryan up at 4am and was so excited thinking that things had started.  Regular contractions! But then they stopped around 11am.  And that was that.  Nothing since.  And the highest point of the roller coaster ride was my one year anniversary being married to Ryan.  I love him so much.  And with all the stress this week has brought I cannot think of a better person to share it with!

Here is the onsie we bought for Baby B on our honeymoon in Spain when we were dreaming up our life together.  I can't wait to see her in it!

Even though I am looking very pregnant I have been feeling less pregnant.  I am hoping this means Baby B has dropped!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Baby B's Nursery

We have been working hard to make an optimal environment for our favorite little girl.  I think I mentioned in an earlier post that Ryan wanted to make a Death Star nursery.  Well, we settled on a solar system themed nursery and I love it!  We still need a few finishing touches such as hanging the rest of the wall art and we are getting another special mobile for over the changing table.  But for the most part it is complete!  Other goals we had for the nursery were to make it as soothing and comforting a place as possible.  I went with montessori principals in terms of less clutter and creating defined spaces.  Here are a few of my favorite things about the nursery:

The softest and most comfortable chair thanks to Ryan's mom.  We are planning on spending a lot of time in this thing.  In fact, I have already found Ryan sitting in it on several occasions.  The blanket on the chair was made by Ryan's grandma. 

What a cool starry light!  Thanks to some of our favorite New Yorkers we have some magical ambiance.  

Movement mirror and star play mat.  Lots of tummy time to be had here!

Montessori inspired toy shelf.  

People have been giving us books galore.  And we love that  Baby's book shelf is almost full!

Space mobile over crib. 

My favorit blanket.  SO SOFT that I cannot keep my hands off of it.  If baby girl is anything like her mother she will be in love.

Baby B's favorite stuffed animal is waiting for her!  Again, SO SOFT Ahhhhh...can't even handle it! :)

The same bed sheets my little sister slept on 20 something years ago.  How cool is that?

One of our wall art pieces.  

I didn't like the closet doors in this room so we replaced them to match the floor to ceiling curtains on the windows.  

Bumgenius cloth diapering! 

The diapers are so cute and little!  I'm obsessed.  I might become less obsessed when they are filled with poop....but maybe not!

Drawers are packed with little clothes and ready for Baby B to start modeling some of them!

More favorite things coming soon......