My baby is looking less like a baby everyday! :( Remi is moving all around now. She is cruising more and is such a brave child that I wouldn't be surprised if she started walking soon. She has already let go a few times when standing. She also prefers to be placed in the standing position when set down, even when there is nothing around for her to hold on to. We are working on managing our frustrations this month because oh my goodness does this girl have a temper that goes from zero to one hundred and then back to zero (which we appreciate). She is highly sensitive around transitions and is very determined to get her way with everything. If things are going her way then she can be super chill. She still does not really sleep at daycare (sensitive to noise and does not want to miss out on a thing). She wasn't too into her Christmas gifts but loved the bows on the presents. She sorted the bows in a box (it was the strangest thing!). I feel like I am getting little insights into how her longterm personality will be everyday (and some of it makes me a tad nervous....haha). She is a pretty good eater. Garden burgers, stew, blueberries and bananas are her favorite things. She plays with toys very roughly. She loves to throw things so we have to watch out because a block hitting you in the face is not so fun. I am pretty sure her first word was "Mama" but she only said it for a few days before switching to "Dada" and now she rarely says Mama. But her saying Dada is fitting because she is a total Daddy's girl. She has also said "more," "water," "hi," "bye," "yeah," and "no." I think she will have good language skills. She is just an active, strong, coordinated, hands-on, and determined child. It's funny how different she is than her big sister. But the two seem to get along for now, so that is always good!
Happy 10 months Remiroo!